- One More Moment -

Start from the beginning

"Let's play together again!" Shinigami stared at Eddie who had both of his hands in his, the brightest smile on his face. After a moment, the other boy nodded his head. 







"Haha! Look at the his pretty eyes! He must be a tranny!" Shinigami gulped, trying his best to scoot back away from the semi-circle of boys who stood before him. The leader of the group, the boy who had bullied Shinigami since his first day of primary school. His name was Jackson Fisher, a pudgy boy with unruly black hair and matching eyes. 

"S-Stop it..." Jackson glared down at Shinigami who scooted back, sapphire eyes welling up with tears. 

"Tranny Tranny Tranny!!" They shouted, chanting over and over again. The tears spilled from his eyes, cascading down his face into his palms. No matter how much he tried to make them stop, the voices kept on shouting until one voice was heard over theirs. 

"Get back!!" Eddie, who had grown taller than Shinigami in the two years of them knowing each other shouted, pushing Jackson out of the way. The still, blue-haired boy took a protective stance in front of his best friend who sniffled, body trembling fearfully. 

"We were just playing!" One of the girls giggled but stopped when Eddie glared at her. 

"Go away! Leave him alone!" Shinigami's eyes widened, staring up at Eddie's back as he defended him from the bullies. Jackson was about to shout back when the other kids lost interest, leaving to go play elsewhere for the rest of lunch. With one last glare at the two, the boy left to go pick on the kid with glasses that just moved to town. 

Whirling around, Eddie dropped down, his arms wrapping around Shinigami's shoulders. Pulling back from the hug he used his hands to wipe away the boy's tears, smiling brightly since he knew his friend liked to see him smile. Sniffling, Shinigami slowly began to smile back, the last tear sliding off his chin and to the ground. 

"No tears when you have me!






"Dude! Look at this!" Holding a magazine that was covered in age-rated content, Eddie stormed into Shinigami's room, flopping down on the bed. Shocked by the sudden entrance, Shinigami, who had just turned 13 stood from his desk where he had been completing homework, closing his door before sitting down once more. 

Eddie, who had been frantically flipping through the pages of graphic nude women glanced up at his friend, cheeks tinted pink. After they had gotten back from summer vacation and started grade 7, it was obvious to those who could see that Shinigami was beginning to grow even more handsome each day. Other boys at school were jealous since all the girls would whisper about his face in the hallways, blushing faces trying to catch his eye. 

He didn't know why, but whenever Eddie saw his best friend talking to a girl who liked him, it made him angry. 

~ DIRTY MIND ~- A Haikyuu OC Fanfiction- (Male x Various)Where stories live. Discover now