"Morgan, you cannot blame yourself for something that you couldn't control."

Morgan just couldn't stop crying, and Happy pulled out of their hug to look at her. Morgan looked broken; and felt guilty that he didn't try to stop her from going on this trip.

"Where did Peter get hit? What city?"

She took a deep breath, "I think, Berlin. I didn't see his body though. I just couldn't—"

Happy nodded cutting her off. "It's okay, Morgan. I'm going to take you home."

Morgan shook her head, "I have to get Beck."

"Morgan," Happy started.

"Happy, he is on his way to kill my best friends. I can't have him take more things from me."

"I have to draw the line at some point, Morgan. I think this is one of the few times. I'm sorry, I can't have you go fight him and you to get hurt again. I'm going to take you back home."

Morgan didn't argue with Happy since she just wanted to be alone. She wiped the tears from her eyes and turned to face the jet window. Hearing Happy on the phone, Morgan felt her eyes get heavy from everything that had happened. Knowing that she was about to fall asleep, she let herself fall into a pit of darkness.

Feeling the jet touch the floor, Morgan opened her eyes to see Happy getting off the jet. Looking out of the window, she knew that this wasn't New York causing her to be confused on where they landed. Looking closely, she saw a figure walking towards them. Her breathing hitched and she ran towards the exit of the jet.

Standing next to Happy, and seeing him just physically standing made Morgan want to cry all over again.

"Morgan?" Peter spoke, but Morgan ran into his arms hoping not to cry all over again.

"You're alive," Morgan spoke into his neck.

Peter winced causing Morgan to pull away. "Peter?"

Peter's facial expressions were contorted with pain. He pressed a hand to his shoulder feeling the pain shoot up his arm. His face softened when he looked down at Morgan.

Happy got close to them, and realized that Peter was in pain. They helped Peter get on the jet. Once on the plane, Happy went to get the first aid while Morgan sat in her seat. She pulled out her phone and started texting her friends who could get killed, but she realized that Beck would have traced their phones. Morgan deleted the message and sighed rubbing her temples.

Morgan jumped when she heard Peter slam his fist on the table, and yelled at Happy.

Peter sat down, in front of Morgan, and apologized, "I'm sorry, Happy. I'm sorry, I shouldn't shout." He looked back up at Happy with tears in his eyes, "I just really miss him."

"Yeah, I miss him too." Happy responded, Morgan took a deep breath knowing who they were talking about.

"Everywhere I go, I see his face," Peter said looking down. "The whole world is asking about who is going to be the next Iron Man, and I don't know if that's me, Happy. I'm not Iron Man."

"You're not Iron Man, either is Morgan," Happy responded. "You guys are never going to be Iron Man."

The teens looked at him confused, while Happy sighed, "nobody can live up to Tony. Not even Tony. Tony is my best friend." Morgan started to feel her tears threatening to spill out of her eyes as Happy spoke about her father.

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