Goblin slayer

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Name: Joseph Joheki (prefers Joe

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight.

Class: Mage

Race: half Elf

Armour class and armour type: Casual clothes, cloak and hood

Weapons:  can produce various weapons using magic (spells are below)
Mage armour: can summon armour about the same strength as steel on himself or any other living creature, this armour is weightless and doesn't affect its wearer

Healing: Joe can heal other people and repair objects, depending on the damage sustained. Joe is most proficient in this form of magic and can heal up to the most severe of wounds.

Transmutation: Joe can turn objects into other objects so long as they are similar size to one another, the size of the object depending on how much effort is used

Fireball: Joe can send either a single fireball or a volley of them from his hands, this is one of his main attacks and can deal with a couple small goblins with ease

Detect Magic: Joe can detect the use of magic as well as enchantments and their properties

Detect life: Joe can detect any living thing within 10 metres of his person, acting like a sort of radar.

Magical dart: Joe can send up to three darts of energy at his target as an offensive ranged move.

Sheild: Joe can create sheilds around himself or others

Glyphs: Joe can create Glyphs imbued with different spells, allowing him to set up traps or barrage enemies with several attacks at once, each glyph can only use one kind of magic and last about 5 minutes before they fade away

Mage hand: Joe can create a large holographic hand that has a range of about 30 feet, it allows him to grasp faraway objects, however any living creature such as animals phase through it

Offensive hand: similar to mage hand, however it does the opposite, allowing Joe to pummel his foe with a flurry of fists that punch with incredible force, however this attack only has a range of about 10 feet

Thunderwave: Joe can create a powerful force around him for about 15 feet that pushes back anyone in this distance and possibly electrocutes them, this spell also emits a loud rumbling noise

Timestop: Joe can briefly halt the flow of time, this remains in place until he moves 1000 feet from where he stopped it or if a second spell he casts affects somebody other than him or an object carried by someone else, Joe can set up traps for his opponents or attack them directly, however this timestop lasts for only 20 seconds, meaning he doesn't have a lot of time, it is also draining so this spell is not used often.

Personality:  Joe is a somewhat goofy individual who is kind, caring and compassionate to everyone he meets, so long as they are the same to him, He is a powerful sorcerer who prefers to use his abilities to heal others rather than fight, however when he was young he learnt magic at a remarkable pace, mastering the above spells and could be considered a prodigy. Joe is studious and reads an awful lot and currently is in charge of healing Fighter after her failed quest



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Crush: Fighter (Can also be developed)

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Crush: Fighter (Can also be developed)

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