Jojo [Revised 2020]

19 1 12

Name: Joseph Peters

Age: 19

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Appearance: Joe has a pretty average build for someone of his age. He has brown hair and brown eyes too, making his appearance seem fairly unextraordinary. Typically he wears casual jeans, shirt, trainers and a jacket. Most of these are fairly common brands, the only real defining feature about his appearance being his messy hair and a camera which has a strap around his neck.

Vampire: No

Hamon: No

Stand User: Yes

Stand Name: Morning Glory

Stand Appearance: The stand has a humanoid appearance, though it's most prominent section of the stand is likely the torso, which features a thin abdomen section which extends into a main chestplate with a large camera lens and a small slit about the size of an A4 page. The stand features an angled helmet with a blue visor, only the chin and mouth being visible.

Power: A

Speed: A

Range: D

Durability: B

Development potential: A

Precision: B

Stand Abilities: The stand can pull objects out of photographs it has taken or its user has taken. It can take its own photos using a lens on its chest and print them out on any surface consisting of paper or card. Only objects inside the photo can be placed back inside and removed at will.


Joe is a pretty normal teenager, with the exception of being a stand user. He primarily takes photos for newspapers and magazines to generate income. He's somewhat withdrawn about this work, though in most other circumstances, he's usually quite calm and confident.

Periodically, he looks after his younger sister, a 9 year old called Remi, in place of their mother, who often finds herself unable to look after the two as well as she'd like.

The main reason for this is work, Joe's father left when Joe himself was only 9 and his mother was pregnant with Remi. Thus she was forced to provide for two children, working as a nurse in a clinic.

Joe currently has his own house, which he often stays in to ease the financial burden on his mother. It's fairly small, given the lack of income, however using his stand, Joe has been able to fill it with all kinds of items he comes across.

Love interests

Part 3: Mariah
Part 4: Reimi
Part 5: Trish
Part 6: Jolyne

Other/AU love interests (this means they may not be from canon parts or may be other people's OCs)
Shizuka Joestar

Further stand evolutions [Ignore this unless I ask otherwise]

jk nothing here yet

Individual roleplay (a lot of my OCS have the same name because I'm lazy)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя