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Name:  Joseph Wolfe
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Looks: brown hair and brown eyes with fair skin and strong build
Outfit: wears a blue tunic and black trousers with a brown fur vest, wears a few pieces of gronkle iron armour
Personality: Like his dragon, Joe's a quiet and withdrawn person at first but eventually warms to people, he's protective of his friends and has a short temper. He's also very headstrong
Crush: Astrid
Likes: drawing, music, his dragon
Dislikes (fears also): his friends being hurt, bullies, bad guys
Family: none
Dragon: Razorwing
Dragon name: Steel (affectionately nicknamed buckethead by Joe)
How he met his dragon: Joe found him as a baby dragon when he was younger, caught in a trap and helped him as best he could, building a strong bond between them

Individual roleplay (a lot of my OCS have the same name because I'm lazy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora