Chapter 12: Love in Disguise

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(An undercover set up to lead in to the next set of side missions after the chapter after this one).

Nathan had received a message delivered by Falkon. He opened it and collapsed groaning. "Please don't tell me..." Started Preston. "It's fucking Escher trying again" added Nathan. "Dude you're not even gay" added Hannah. "Neither is Paultin but no he doesn't stop" added Nathan. The duo groaned in result. "We got to get this guy off" added Preston.

The trio sat up and was thinking. "I better talk to Joey, Daniel, Bretman Alexia and Manny" stated Nathan. "Let's all go" added Preston. They went to the others with the letter. The group looked at them confused. "What's going on?" Asked Nikita. Nathan held the letter out. Safiya took it and read it before rolling her eyes.

The others came over confused before groaning. "He just never learns it looks like" stated Safiya. "I'm not gay though, neither is Paultin, I can't take it!" Added Nathan. Hannah and Preston felt bad. Everyone was thinking it over. "Bitch just disguise one of us glorious gays as you!" Added Bretman. Mat came over and checked. "Maybe we should compare Nate's height to the gays first" added Matt.

"Let's do that, all the LGBTQ+ members here line up over there" added Nikita. Joey, Daniel, Alexia, Manny, Shane and Bretman went over. "Oh yeah cause Shane's Bi" added Meghan. "I'm 5'10" so that's what you're working with" added Nathan. They did a height check with everyone. "Bretman's the closet cause he's 5'8", Joey, Manny, Shane and Daniel are all taller and Alexia is shorter then even Bretman" added Mat writing all the heights down. "And Joey is one foot taller" added Daniel. "So are we gonna do Bretman or Joey?" Asked JP.

"I say Joey cause he's got a streak of mastering deceit thanks to Raef and escape the night" added Bretman instantly. "Oh calling you out" added Daniel jokingly. "Yeah I know" added Joey sighing. "I'm thinking Joey because Bretman's constant saying bitch could easily break character" added Manny. Bretman gasped in shock teasingly and everyone was laughing. "It's my thing MUA" added Bretman with sass. Joey looked nervous.

Mat and Preston faced him. "Ready?" Asked Preston. "Y-yeah I g-guess" stuttered Joey. "Hope you're up at getting drunk because Paultin will have to teach you how to be him" added Nathan. "I GOTTA GET DRUNK?!" Exclaimed Joey freaking out. "ƈąƖɱ ɖơῳŋ ı'ƖƖ ƙɛɛ℘ ყơų ʂơცɛr" added Raef mentally. Joey relaxed a bit. "Here we go" added Matt.

The duo worked together and were able to cast the spell disguising Joey as Paultin. He looked around nervously. "Did it work?" He asked now sounding like Nate. "Nice, we got it down" added Nathan. Daniel hugged Joey and looked at him. "You ok babe?" He asked. "This is not as bad as the horrible cup massage that blotched us or the allergic reaction I had that one Halloween to my own body paint but drunk?" Asked Joey. "Wait you what?" Asked Nikita and Manny.

"Story for another time class" added Daniel. Nathan switched to Paultin and took Joey aside. "Now to teach you how to act like me" added Paultin. Joey gulped but nodded before Paultin started teaching him. "You think Joey can pull it off?" Asked Darcy. "Hopefully, or else who knows what Escher will pull" added Daniel. The others were worried. "You got this" added Paultin.

Later with Escher Joey noticed the vampire with the dark paladin Evelyn. He exhaled and gulped. "All right Joey, you can do this" he said. He approached Escher and cleared his throat. Escher and Evelyn looked over and Escher stood up coming over. "Paultin you got my letter" added Escher happily. Joey had help from Raef and remembered what Paultin taught him. "Yeah I read it, are you telling the truth?" Asked Joey.

Escher nodded and kissed him. "As long as you accepted Evelyn and I will stop but in return we need to bring down the rouge, teifling duo" he said. Joey kissed back playing along. *"Oh god Daniel better not kill me and remember this is an act "* he said mentally. " My heart is yours Escher" he said flirting. Escher grinned his fangs revealed a moment. Evelyn nodded a bit. "Partners, we should start our hunt" added Evelyn.

"Come dear Bard, we'll wed after we're done" added Escher. "Y-yeah of course" added Joey still acting. *"DON'T STUTTER!"* exclaimed Raef and Jynx mentally. Joey apologized mentally and the trio took off. The rest of the group was set. "Escher won't hurt us now, let's move to get the rest" added Nikita.

(AN: next part is done! And we soon will start a new set of sides! Hope you all enjoy).

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