Start from the beginning

"Fuck!" He hissed and the bitch screamed.

I looked over at her before narrowing my eyes. "You look familiar... where yo stomach at?"

"Man!" Leo held his hand and hissed out in anger. "Fuck you did that shit for?!"

"Nigga you reached for a gun, nobody said i was coming to harm yo ass. You must've knew already."

"My stomach?" The girl said while weeping.

"Your name Vanessa... Jessica some shit like that right?" I narrowed my eyes.

I don't normally do this talking shit.

"My mama name is Jessica..." She slowly grabbed the cover.

"Oh so that means your sincere? The one that was pregnant by her cousin right? Where the baby?"

"None of your business."

"You right." I aligned the gun in between her eye balls before shooting her.

"What you want?" Leo asked.

"I don't want shit. Im not about to kill you because i want something from you, I'm killing you because you pussy, and had yo hitters shoot me for you." I shrugged. "Im done talking though."

I shot him in between his eyes before stepping out the room jogging down the stairs.

I seen cole bent against the counter with his fingers cut off.

Mari was laid on the floor with his head disfigured.


"Okay shoot em one more time and lets get the hell put of here" Bam stepped over mari's body followed by me.


"Who's next?" Bam asked as we road down the freeway.

"Nobody." I shrugged.

"How we gonna get dallas to clean that up?" Roscoe asked. "Her cousin dead up in there."

"We not. We leaving em there." I shrugged. "As i sign to gene and her fuck ass boyfriend."

"Nigga now i know you ain't playing fix the puzzle with this shit!" Bam mugged. "Gene ass got brain problems because you shot her in the head and she now in a wheelchair."

"Thats my probably because? She better be happy I didn't kill her ass." I pulled my phone out going to my messages.

Imani 🤍

Imani 🤍
You getting on my nevers
Imani 🤍
Been gone for two hours to get some damn milk?

Savior 💙
You doing to much now, chill out.
Read: 5:26 P.M.

Imani 🤍
Remember that when i got get my nails done and don't come back til the next day

Savior 💙
You know not to play like that
Read: 5:26 P.M.

Imani 🤍
Do i?

Open the door.
Read: 5:26 P.M.

Imani 🤍
You got a key.

Savior 💙
Open the door.


"What is this?" I twisted my noes up. "Shit look nasty."

"Its a face mask." She mugged me.

"Shit look like throw up." I sat up. "Let me smell it."

"Why?" She walked over to me with the container.

"Because I wanna smell it." I shrugged, snatching it away from her putting it up to my nose. "Don't smell the way it looks."

"It's supposed to smell like it to look it?" She grabbed it from me.

"Yup." I nodded.

"What you do today?" She asked.

"Went to church and asked for forgiveness." I smirked.

She narrowed her eyes and placed her hand on her hip. "For real?"

"Dead ass." I nodded and stood up. "Ima try to be godly."

"In order to be godly you gotta stop lying on his name."

"Im not." I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer to me.

"You lying right now." She tried to pull away.

"No I'm not." I mugged. "You ticklish?"

"Move." She yanked away from me. "Always tryna do some."

"I wasn't even about to tickle you."

"Stop lying Craig!"

whew chile that was pitiful.

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