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"Jeez, how many books do you have, angel?"
"oh uh, its not that many," aziraphale said semi-defensively, reaching up for a book on the shelf in their bedroom.
"You have your bookshop, and this one is still full to the brim," Crowley teased. Although crowley was a demon, he disliked clutter, and liked to keep his flat minimal. When Aziraphale moved in, Crowley bent a bit and let him have a bookshelf in their room.
"What else am I supposed to do to pass the time?" Aziraphale pulled out the book he was reaching for, then shook his head slightly and put it back, searching for a different one.
"Aziraphale?"  he looked up, startled. Azira couldnt remember the last time Crowley called him something other then angel.
"W-why are your wings out?"
Aziraphale looked over his shoulder to see that in wings were, in-fact, out. "I-I dont know," he paused for a second, then furrowed his eyebrows, then turned around to look at Crowley. "I can't put them away,"
"What do you mean?" Crowley stood up from the edge of the bed.
"I dont know. they won't go away," Aziraphale's eyes went wide. "Crowley," he whispered
"Wha-" Aziraphale's knees started to shake. Crowley reached out for him, accidentally pulling his hand against Aziraphale's wings. Crowley pulled his hand away immediately, the heat startling him.
"Crowley what's happening?" Aziraphale's voice was filled with fear, and pain.
Realization dawned over Crowley. "Angel, angel - you're - it's going to be okay. it's going to be okay," he wrapped his arms around Aziraphale, trying to support him. "Shit. I'm so sorry angel. I'm so so fucking sorry angel,"
Aziraphale gripped the demons back. "It hurts so much Crowley,"
The feathers on his wings started to burn, turning from a silky ivory, to a dark ebony. Crowley shut his eyes tight, not being able to watch it happen. "shhhhh. it's going to be okay," Tears slid from Crowley's eyes.
Crowley supported Aziraphale and half carried him the few steps to the bed, and gently layed him onto it. he then fell on the other side of the shaking angel.
"Aziraphale, look me in the eyes. it's going to hurt. but it's going to be okay. everything is going to be okay," The demon tried to comfort Aziraphale, while trying not to have a break down himself. his worst fear was coming true.
Aziraphale's wide blue eyes searched Crowley's amber serpentine orbs. "I love you Crowley," 
"I love you too, no matter what,"
Crowley blew a breath over Aziraphale, trying to ease the pain. Aziraphale was only half conscious at this point, but until the fall was done, he was cursed with being unable to escape the pain completely. 
after what seemed like years, Aziraphale's wings finally folded and his eyes opened. instead of his beautiful, human, aqua hued eyes, his pupils had a thin ring of black around the edge, and the rest was white. 
"Crowley," he breathed
"Ang-" Crowley stopped with a choking noise. Crowley's heart sank even more. after everything, his couldn't even use his nickname for his best friend anymore. it wasnt right.
"I've fallen." Aziraphale said sullenly
"I'm so sorry my love,"
"it's not your fault,"
Crowley sighed angrily, and rolled onto his back "of course it is, you're just too nice,"
"You're nice too dear, and you fell," Aziraphale propped himself up with a wince. 
"mhgm," Crowley groaned. 
Aziraphale tilted Crowley's face towards him. Crowley turned back towards Aziraphale, placing his hand over Aziraphale's on his cheek. "You should sleep. the first few days are the worst. I'll make you some food. crêpes maybe?"
"stay with me, please,"
Crowley kissed the former angel. "until the end of time,"

ok so yeah, yall are going to hate me, but I kind of needed to do something as kind of a vent. also sorry it's short, I'll probably do a part 2.
I wrote this on my phone, so the capitalization is shit again

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