7. If These Walls Could Talk

Start from the beginning

           Jason is on a path of redemption. Tim doesn't know if Jason is trying to help him so that he can forgive him or just because he'd help any kid in danger. He admits he hates that Jason interfered with his plans, but it is for the best. He's not completely okay , he gets temptation (like yesterday), but he wants to get help. However, he just feels like he can trust the bats. He is scared of Bruce. Hood on the other hand, genuinely has helped him through shit the past couple of days. 

           He knows he's hated Jason for a long time now. But can you blame him? When your long term dead crush comes back to life and the first thing he does is tries to kill you (multiple times), would you just forgive him? (unless you're a machinist, but that's an entirely different story). Jason has… changed. Nonetheless, Tim still hasn't forgiven him. It takes time, you don't get over something overnight, but they're getting there. 

           Tim breaks his chain of thoughts and just looks around the room, as he humorlessly laughs. He feels so lonely in this apartment sometimes, but then sometimes he likes it. He just wonders what would happen if the walls in this place would start talking. 

           All his excellently covered secrets would most likely come out. His whole life would fall apart. It's like these stationary things have seen too many things, and in the world he lives in he doesn't doubt that there could be a way to make the walls talk. It'd probably be for the best though, but he isn't ready. He isn't ready to face his problems. Isn't ready to face that he can't blame his problems on other people. 

           It's when he hears the door open, he gets back to reality as he jumps and falls on his face. "Damn it," he mutters. 

           "Tim!" A voice cheers. He looks up and sees Stephanie. 

           "Oh my God! Steph!" He says joyfully, as he quickly jumps up back on his feet. 

           "Hey there dweeb," She replies, as she tackles him into a hug, offering him one of her most charming smiles. 

           "What are you doing here?" He asks, giving her a smile a of his own.

           Truthfully, he doesn't mind Stephanie coming. Out of all the bats he doesn't mind her showing up. They have a long history sure, but she is also his best friend. She makes him feel accepted.

           She's had to fight her way through her life, living in the 'bad' part of Gotham did that to you. Maybe that's why drunk Tim had felt safe to text Jason. Because Jason and Steph are alike, they both have lived on the streets. They both are accepting that way. 

           "Well, it's been forever! I missed you! Wanted to know how you've been, like I rarely even see you on patrol anymore." Tim feels guilty. Most of the reason why they haven't been talking a lot lately is because Tim's been keeping his distance. Not necessarily from Stephanie, just from all the bats in general. 

           "Sorry," Tim mutters, looking down at his feet in guilt. 

           "Oh no no, I've been busy with Cass myself," She says, putting her hair behind her ear, as a blush creeps up on her face. 

           "Oh my God! Are you guys official!" Tim squeals, suddenly sounding like a girl more than anything. 

           "Maybe," She replies, smiling shyly. 

           "I'm so happy for you guys!" He says, giving Stephanie a hug. 



           "Well that was shit," Tim mumbles, as the movie in front of them rolls the end credits.

           "Agreed." Stephanie replies before stuffing her mouth with more fries.

           "Hey Tim?" She suddenly asks after two minutes of silence, all of sudden serious and looking Tim straight in the eyes.


           "I know." 

           "Know what?"

           "About… your, um, problem and uh, erm, Red Hood." She says, trying her best to get the words out of her mouth. 

           Tim freezes. "W-Who, uh, t-told you?" He stutters, panicking. 


           "W-What?!" He can't believe it. How could Jason tell her? "W-Who e-else k-knows?" Tim asks, as he looks away, too ashamed to even look at his best friend. 

           "Cass and I, that's it......Tim he's worried about you," She says. "I know… it's hard, especially when you're addicted, I know you have a lot of shit to going on at school and work and what not, but you should realize that drugs… they aren't it." 

           "I get that! I get it all! I know! I got desperate okay? I realize I shouldn't have, but… now I just c-can't s-stop." By now Tim was full on sobbing. 

           "It's okay, it's okay," Stephanie soothes, as she hugs him, trying her best to comfort him. "You know you should… try to get help." She mumbles in Tim's hair. 

           "I know," He sniffs. "I-I'm j-just not ready y-yet." 

           "I get it, but do you promise to get help when you're ready?" 

           "Yes, I promise."



tephanie is baby and is the best like I love her sm??? Again this isn't my proudest chapter and it's more of a filler than anything but it does help Tim a bit and he deserves happiness.

Next time:
- Jason needs to deal with his own shit
- thankfully he gets company

If Walls Could Talk // JAYTIM (HOPELESS FOOLS #1)Where stories live. Discover now