Chapter 8

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Let me explain.

My mother, is from a family of knights. Considering she's a lady instead of a gentleman, there was a proper education prepared for her. But because she's the sole daughter of her family, with all her siblings being brothers, you could say that the Ferseriosa Household is quite short on the usual amount of ladies' disposition.....


Anyway. Simply put, mother chose the trainings of a knight instead of the educations of a lady. Perhaps due to the knighthood of the family that was preserved for generations.

But that doesn't mean she completely forsaken a lady's educations. She participated in the bare minimum that she could, is what I heard. Well, at least she went through the classes.

Due to this, her personality became quite like a man sometimes. Or more precisely, whenever she felt like acting as one, she could pull it off. I won't describe her as a tomboy since, well, that word just sound amiss.

OK, enough about mother. Regarding my father...

I'm not too keen on the matter, but I can assure you that this just happens when mother is involved. That blushing part, I mean.

The detailed story started back when they were teens and I don't even know the exact tale, also it would take time to explain anyway, so I'll leave the specifics out. In summary to the case, my father has a maiden heart, you could say.


Wait. That sounds wrong. I constructed the sentence wrong.


Ehem. My father was fascinated by my mother's skillful swordsmanship and her elegant bearing. The first time father met her was at their school training grounds. By the time he arrived there, mother had gallantly defeated an opponent effortlessly. She was overwhelming, yet humble in manner. Instead of piquing his interest, she basically had my father head over heels upon their first encounter. The so-called 'love at first sight'.

Somehow, that ended up long. However...

...This. I want to fangirl. I need to fangirl. I NEED TO. Every woman's dream is love! And today, I revised such thing! It's sad that I could not witness it firsthand! But thankfully, such stories are told to this day!

The pairing was a cold, soulless, harsh man and the aloof, serene, manly lady. That on its own is already rare!

The reason why father occasionally, blush when he saw mother was... Actually, I don't even know that myself. I declared that it was father having a maiden heart, but that's not it. Definitely.

I wonder the reason, but it's awkward to ask. My brothers also didn't mind it.

So uhm... That's life?

"Mother. You should stop teasing Maridis. Else, if she became like father, that would be disastrous." Elgifridt quipped.

Aldryth added. "True. Father's already a lost cause. If Maridis became so, I'd sob." 

...So what was the question again? Come on, if I don't think fast, we're gonna derailed from the subject again! At worst, we might even backtracked to the 'Everyone Assemble! The King Assasination Plan' meeting once again!

What was it~ What was it again~? ARGHH!!! All I remember is mother's ikemen face... No. Seriously. What was it again? My mind is literally filled up with ikemen, that my brain is sending signals for me to start fangirling--!

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