Chapter 1 + 1.5

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Since I'm nice, I'll end this peacefully. I hope everyone won't misunderstand. I AM angry. Especially since I took after my mother.

Again, I like the kind of story about engagement annulment, but not when I am the one involve in it.

Therefore, in this case.

"I apologize for harming your reputation with my faults. However, I am just a human of imperfections. Never can I be perfect."

At this time, all eyes were on me.
I bowed a bit lower than before.

"At this rate, I'll be disgracing you, Your Highness. That would be very shameless of me"

Sorry, but the words that's going to come out from my mouth...

"Hence I, from the house of Volmilarg, am the daughter called Maridis Seleq. By the will of the third prince of Diaphtram Kingdom, Prince Giral Alvidi La Daphtham, our engagement is now annuled!"

...could only be a bomb.


"Silen, I'm pretty sure someone just signed up a death contract. He's got this 'should die' tag on his head. Since I'm the only one who sees it, I should do the deed, giving him his deserved death, shouldn't I?"

Such is how my Master reacted when the third prince announced his wish to dissolve engagement with the young lady. Master even say so with a smile on his face. I saw the veins on his head popped up though.

Engagement is a natural thing among the nobles. Having a fiance at the age of 8 or even younger is normal. Me being a servant, an ex-commoner at that, really found this train of thought very strange.

But for the nobles, it's just an assumed thing.

When I got adopted into a noble family, I understood more regarding the nobles' mindset. The sons would be raised as a future heir and the daughters learn to be a distinguished lady. The 'useful' daughter will be married off to someone of more power or resources, just to level up their family's honor.

That, I couldn't fathom. Will they still have their so-called 'honor', when they have such shameful behaviour?

That's why, I was pleasantly surprised when I found out the Master that I served, treasures his family more than fame. He was one of the Dukes in the kingdom, and a very cold man is what I heard from rumours. That in itself is true for he is not warm enough to the people outside his family.

Master cares for his family. He once said, he was very grateful that he's from a duke household. That means, almost no one could force his children into political marriages.

Almost , it is.

The first time in my life I saw my Master showed a kind of distorted face, was when the King decided on his just a few months daughter to be engaged with the two-year-old third prince.

Master was angry, sad, confuse and dread. Many negative emotions swirled in his eyes during the audience with the King. Who knows, perhaps, he had thought of killing the King. The king who just stole his daughter's freedom, her happy and languid life.

But he knows he couldn't do that. He must not do so. In order to protect his family. His sanity. And might as well, his humanity.

It breaks his heart more when the young lady had to attend the princess lessons when she just turned 5. The young lady had just recovered from a long-period cold, which was very life-threatening to kids, yet they demanded she attended to her lessons soon after her recovery.

Even I felt rage burning inside me, how would Master feel then? His wife, the Lady, a person who always smiles, was left with no trace it. As if she's devoid of emotions, she just stared at the messenger from the castle at that time. Definitely, she was angry.

Their sons, the twin young masters and the 3-year-old little master just looked dumbly at the situation that time. Anyone would feel they are too young to understand. Only the perceptive ones realize that the young masters rarely smile genuinely after that incidence.

"I apologize for my rudeness, but wherefore are you annuling our engagement, prince Giral?" A childish voice woke me up from my thoughts.

The young lady is bowing her head asking for the reason behind the prince sudden declaration. Truly, you don't need to do so, milady! That brat is just stupid!

"Hmph, you still dare to ask for reason? I see the manor of Duke Volmilarg does not has even a single mirror to confess the truth." The prince blatantly said that.

Before I even have time to frown, I felt a chill down my spine. And I meant this literally.

Master's patience had disappeared and now the floor around us has turned into ice. The temperature.... was very low.

"I wonder what kind of coffin should we request? A very grand coffin since he's a prince? Or maybe a simple coffin as to not being bias? Oh, or maybe we shouldn't use coffin and just burn him into ashes or something? Hey, what kind of coffin do you think is better?"

...Master. I think you spoke the word 'coffin' too much.

Even the young lady flinched when she seemed to guess what you said.

"I think it's better if we don't leave even ashes of him"

But that doesn't mean I'm not agreeing with Master.

Silen Arlamia. Just as his Master is, he is without a doubt, a very ruthless person.



Soooo~~ I realized this not even a half day after the first chapter but....

Umm, I was too excited to publish that I forgot the first chapter wasn't even completed yet. Or more like, because I was copying it from somewhere else and forgot there was another part...

....And I clumsily deleted the second part.

I had to rewrite it. And it was a very short part too.


I included an extra!!! ~kirarin☆rin☆ rin☆!!!!

So what do you think?

*doesn't even wait three seconds before continuing*

"I see!!! I don't know what you think but thanks again for reading!"


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