Dean Ambrose and Catherine

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I wish you told me that before, so I could've told you no" I raved

Georgie laughed
"You'll be fine, he actually pretty nice if you get to know him, he just been through a lot"
He says

"He acts like he owns the place, and if he say anything else i will -
"Catherine don't do anything, there very important guest" he says

"Important my ass, where are they from, I feel like I'm seen them some where once or twice."

"I'm surprised you don't know who they are"he says
He starts to grow a large smile, there from wwe.
That the Shield and Paige. The long hair one is Roman, Blondie is Seth and the other guy is Dean.

I peek back at them who we're seated and talking.

"How could you not recognized them, you watch wwe all the time" he laughs
"That why I wanted you to stay" he says

"Georgie I want to be super happy but I'm too tried to care, by Tomorrow I'll be more excited" I said walking back to table with there food now.

I placed everyone down and dean last.
"Please enjoy guys" I smile

I walk back smiling devilishly.
"What'd you do?" Georgie asks

"3.2.1"I said

"Ahhhh!! Fuck what the hell is in this" a voice screamed
"Catherine you didn't" Georgie says

"Huh" I say while laughing.

"You have him the dragon pepper didn't you"

"I told I wasn't taking bullshit from any one even-"

"You get me some thing any thing to drink" dean scream at me.
he grabbed my shirt and pulled me into the kitchen.

"Get me so water now" he screamed.
I gave him a blank stare
"A please would be so bad" I smirk.

"Fuck it get now" he said more angry

I was in tears of laugher.
"Fine fine ,but milks better" I stated

"I said I want water now" he screamed once more

I got a cup and poured water from the fridge dispenser.

He drank it all in one quick gulp. It calm him down for a little while be soon his whole mouth burning him again.

This time a pour some milk.
"Take this you idiot and drink it" I said handing him the milk.
He drank that down fast as well, but slowed down went it stopped
He nodded

"Ok I'm leaving" I said getting up from leaning on the counter.
"No your not" he said moving in my way

"You crazy bitch did this to me" he said
"Yes and?" I question back

"Can I at least get an apology?"he asked


"Catherine. do you want to lose your job" Georgie says from outside the kitchen
" I don't really care Georgie" I yell back

"Hey Georgie can you leave us alone for a while" dean scream back while smirking.
I was kind of intimidated.
That make Georgie come in
"Hey I can't real-"
"You owe me" he said

"What's he talking about Georgie?" I asked quickly getting scared.

"He not for real, like he is on tv is he" I laugh nervously.

"You owe me Georgie" he said once more.

"She doesn't remember I can't let you-"
"She will so, get out now" he said

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