• 𝘷𝘪 - 𝘱𝘰𝘦

Start from the beginning

"What's going on? Am I alright?" I ask. "Is there something wrong?"

Marlene shushes me again, then looks at Piper with a worried glance.

"Look at his neck," Marlene says, pointing somewhere at my neck.

Piper looks down and raises an eyebrow. She reaches down with her hand, gently touching my neck.

"Ow..." I groan out, my voice hoarse, barely audible.

She removes her hand, raising an eyebrow. She looks at Marlene.

"Does that hurt, Poe?" Marlene asks, gently touching my neck again.

I wince, nodding slowly. My throat feels hot and sore.

"Only when I talk, breathe, and move." I joke, swallowing sharply.

She grabs her clipboard, lifting the top cover. She reads the page and points at something and shows it to Piper.

"Who did this, Poe?" She asks, clicking her Pen open.

I sit up slightly, crossing my arms over my chest, avoiding the I.V. in my Left arm.

"Connor Hunt." I say, pressing my palm to my throat.

Piper laughs, covering her mouth. She drops the smile and regains her composure.

"Sorry. I was just treating Connor Hunt in the other room. You broke his nose and he's missing a tooth. You did a number on him." She says.

I raise an eyebrow, thinking back on the fight. My throat aches.

"I barely even hit him. How did I knock out a tooth and break his nose?" I ask.

She shrugs, shaking her head. Marlene smiles and grabs a scope.

"Poe!" Snap exclaims, standing in the doorway, his face practically white.

Marlene, Piper, and I all stare at him, an eyebrow raised.

"Uh, hi, I'm Snap. Well, Temmin Wexley actually, but my friends call me Snap." He says, nervously.

Marlene smiles, waving at him. I groan in pain, wincing as my throat aches.

"What's going on, Snap? Why are you in here?" I ask.

His palor returns and he looks terrified. Almost if he's seen a ghost.

"Han's on his way over. He heard you might have a concussion." He says.

Marlene and Piper groan, each removing their gloves.

"Ugh, Damn that man. We'll be right back." Piper says.

They both walk to the door but are stopped in their tracks. Han stands in the door, blocking it with his arms.

"Wexley, I sent you down here with two jobs: Get Dameron into Medical supervisions and care, and keep him away from these two." He says.

Marlene and Piper step back away from the door, looking back at me.

"I got him here at least," Snap says, trying to defend himself against the absolute ass-whooping that's waiting for him.

"50 percent is still failing, Wexley." Han says, entering the room.

Marlene and Piper walk back to the bed, crossing their arms.

"We're not children, Han. We can take care of ourselves." Piper says.

He rolls his eyes and approaches me, staring at me with narrow eyes.

"I've known you two since you were infants. You really haven't changed since then." He says. "What's wrong with pretty boy here?"

Marlene approaches me from the other side, making me lay back on the bed.

"Poe has a minimal crush injury in the throat from blunt forced trauma, a broken nose, and a Concussion. He says it was Connor Hunt." She says.

He nods, looking down at my throat, staring at the hand shaped bruise wrapping around my skin.

"How's Hunt?" He asks, looking down at his watch.

"Broken nose." Piper says, crossing her arms. "And, he's missing a tooth."

Han looks up from his watch, raising an eyebrow. He looks at Piper and she nods.

"Poe knocked one it out. The top front. He'll have a gap there for the rest of his life unless he has a fake one put in." Piper says.

Piper smiles wide, causing a small smirk to tug at Han's lips as well.

"Poe will have to take it easy for the next couple weeks. Another trauma to his throat could cause permanent vocal chord damage." Marlene says.

Han pats my shoulder, smiling down at me. I can see a scar on his nose, probably from a similar break earlier in his life.

"Welcome to the Resistance, kid. Your Mom would be proud of you." Han says.

I smile, nodding at him. Han leaves, walking past Snap with a smirk on his face.

"I should probably head back so I don't get into any more trouble than I am already. See you at Dinner?" He asks.

I nod, smiling slightly at my best friend. I wave him off.

"Yeah, I'll see you there." I groan out.

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 | 𝘱. 𝘥𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘰𝘯Where stories live. Discover now