Chapter 4: The First Disagreement

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"We need to act now!"

The cafeteria was as crowded as ever, but luckily my friends and I were able to sit at our table.

"I agree. They should not be treating you like that. Who knows who'll be next!" Chica said as she bit down into her pizza.

"Well then, what should we do?" I asked.

The entire table sat there silently chewing their food, deep in thought.

"Isn't it obvious?" Foxy said. "We need to go to war! Show those Toys that we are better than them! Sign up and win the competition!"

"I love your enthusiasm, Foxy!" I beamed. "I think that is a great idea! I'm excited to be a part of it! Let's do it!"


I turned my head to see Mari taking a bite of her sandwich.

"To be completely honest...I don't think this is such a good idea. I mean, can't you just compete for fun, not to prove a point?"

"She's right, you know," said Goldie. "I wouldn't want to enter a contest just because someone else pressured me into proving that I'm better than they are and then rub it in their face afterwards. That's not what friendly competition is about."

"Well..." I wouldn't call this an argument, but it is a conflict. I mean, I was going to sign up no matter what anybody else said, but I really wanted us to be on the right page from the get-go. It was time to settle this the old-fashioned way.

"Let's take a vote," I said. "Those in favor of signing our group up for The Battle of the Bands, stick your thumbs up out in front of you."

Since Mangle wasn't currently sitting at our table and thus couldn't vote yet, only 4 people voted yes; Me, Chica, Freddie, and Foxy.

"Those who oppose?" Just as I feared, Mari and Goldie both stuck out their thumbs.

"It's not because I don't want to..." mumbled Mari. "I already asked Mrs. Baltimore if I could be the light board operator for the show, so I'll be in the technician's booth...sorry."

"That is totally understandable, Mari," said Freddie while placing a hand on Mari's shoulder. "We know you're very shy and probably wouldn't be able to handle performing in front of the entire student body."

Mari whimpered and burrowed her face deeper into her hoodie. "It's true," she whispered.

"As for you, mister," Freddie said as she shot a glare at Goldie. "Give me one good reason why you can't perform with us. I know damn well that you are not shy; you just don't like talking to people outside your circle of friends. In fact, you love putting on a show. So what's your deal?"

Goldie shifted in his seat as a single bead of sweat started to make its way down the side of his face. He gulped.

"If I could sing a lick in any humanly way possible, I would. But I can't! And I hate myself everyday because of it!"

"What else, drama queen?" Freddie wasn't buying any of what he said.

"Even if I could sing, I have a feeling that this whole competition will be nothing more than a bunch of unnecessary drama waiting to happen. And I don't know about you, but I don't want to be a part of that if and when it happens."

Freddie stayed silent for a bit, still glaring at Goldie. "Is that a good enough excuse for you, princess?" Goldie said sarcastically.

"Yeah, I guess," Freddie growled.

She picked up her empty plate and left the table. Chica, Foxy and I followed suit.

"There are spots still open in case either of you change your minds." I told them as I picked up my plate and went to go dump it.

As the four of us made our way towards the band room, I couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.

"Maybe we shouldn't do this. I mean, Billy did warn us. Perhaps we should listen to him and not do this."

"No! We aren't going to listen to him, or Bon-Bon, or any of them. If she wants to turn this into a real Battle of the Bands, fine then. Let's battle!"

HSA 2:  Battle of the Bands [On Hold]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon