Chapter 3: School Announcement

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I had completely forgotten about the whole fiasco with the Toys by the time first hour was over. I was back to being my old, perky self, ready to face whatever challenges this school threw at me.

Then came 5th hour: Band class.

It felt like the first day of freshman year all over again. I ran to my locker, grabbed my guitar, grabbed Foxy along the way, and ran all the way to the band room with a smile on my face.

This time, Foxy beat me there. He worked out a lot over the summer so that he could keep up with me during the school day. Yeah, I know he was already the fastest in the class, but last year, he couldn't beat me to the band room if he tried.

"Aha!" He said, panting and out of breath. "Finally! I WIN!"

"Really?" I said while raising my eyebrow. "I never knew it was a race." I giggled as a frown formed on his once smug face.

"Lass, it's always a race when it comes to me!" He said, posing dramatically.

"Ha! Whatever, drama queen!" I said, giving him a playful nudge as I walked by.

He never fails to put a smile on my face.

But that smile soon vanished faster than it appeared. There, sitting up in the left corner of the room, were the Toys. Bon-Bon had a bright red guitar that looked almost identical to mine, Chi-Chi was sitting behind a shiny gold and silver drum kit with a pair of those light up drumsticks in her hands, Freddy had a reed in his mouth and a shiny white clarinet in one hand, and Billy was putting together a piccolo.

I couldn't believe it. It was like looking at an exact copy of us, excluding Billy, of course!

I don't even know how long I was staring at them for. 5 seconds? 5 minutes? It felt like an eternity.

I felt a quick tap on my shoulder, and I snapped out of it. "'Ey! Are ye ok?" Foxy asked me from behind. He was holding his saxophone in one hand, and had his reed stuck in his mouth.

"Yes, I'm fine," I responded. "Let's just go sit over there and wait for the others to arrive." I pointed up at the right corner of the room, which was where we sat last year, and started to walk towards the 7 chairs that were conveniently placed in a half circle there.

It didn't take long for the others to arrive. We all started talking about what happened during the first half of our day while we were warming up our instruments. Chica still seemed really uneasy when she realized that the Toys were in this class. She just sort of stared at her drumsticks until Mrs. Baltimore arrived.

She raised her baton, had us play a couple of scales, then she motioned for us to be quiet.

"Good morning class!" Mrs. Baltimore said cheerfully. "I hope you all had a great summer vacation! Now, before I hand out the sheet music that we'll be playing for our fall concert, I need to make a few announcements!"

The class groaned. Whenever Mrs. Baltimore said that she needed to "make a few announcements," it normally took her half the class period to talk about them all. And to make matters worse, after she was done with announcements, she'd just talk about random stuff until class time was over. They wouldn't even get anything done! It was so boring!

Mrs. Baltimore laughed. "Don't worry, there are only two, so it won't take as long as it normally does. I promise!" The class sighed in relief.

"Now, I would first like to welcome the new freshman class of 2019 to the high school! I hope you have lots of fun here, and you can talk to me whenever you have any instrument troubles. I would also like to welcome the new transferred students to this class! There's no need for you four to introduce yourselves, since I already know your names."

I took a glimpse at the Toys. Bon-Bon had this look on her face that basically said, "I don't need an introduction!" Jeez, what a snob!

"And lastly, it is my honor to proudly announce that this year marks the event that you have all been waiting for! And that event is, drumroll please, Chica-Chi!" Chica started to beat down on her snare drum at a rapid pace until she stopped herself with the crash of a cymbal. "The Battle of the Bands!" Everybody in the class started murmuring, except for us. Mrs. Baltimore continued.

"This event happens only once every 4 years, so students are only allowed to participate in it once in their entire high school career! It has become the most anticipated event in Oakland High history! Only groups of 2-6 people are allowed and the song you perform must be an original. No parodies, no remixes, got it? The sign up sheet will be outside my office after class. You have until Christmas break to sign up! Does anybody have any questions?"

There was nothing but silence.

"Ok then! Let's begin!"

I rushed over to Mrs. Baltimore's door after class was over. Nobody had signed up yet.

I was ecstatic! Finally! Something that could showcase the Fazbear Gang's originality. At last, everybody would be cheering for us instead of against us.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the purple-haired name stealer."

I turned around to see Bon-Bon standing about a foot away from me, with her entourage standing close behind her.

"I'm sorry, what did you just-" I started to say.

"Out of my way!" she scoffed as she pushed me out of her way so that she could get to the sign-up sheet.

I fell backwards and landed on the cold linoleum floor with a thud. I watched as she stepped up to the sign-up sheet, took out a bright blue pen, and signed her name on the top line, followed by everyone else. The Toys had officially signed up to compete in the Battle of the Bands.

I got up and off the floor and brushed myself off. She was starting to irritate me.

"Aren't you going to apologize? You pushed me really hard." I asked.

She turned towards me with a fake smile on her face. "Why should I? I'm not sorry."

Mangle said at the beginning of the day that the Toys could get a bit feisty at times, but I think she was clearly mistaken. The rest of the Toys barely said anything. It was all Bon-Bon. And she was a grade-A bitch.

"Oh, and by the way, don't even think about signing up. You and your pathetic friends wouldn't stand a chance against us. So do yourselves a favor and just don't even try, ok?" she said. Then she gave me another shove as she passed by me to the door, with the other Toys following close behind. Everyone except Billy.

"You have been warned," he said with the creepiest look on his face. Then he started laughing at me. It was so annoying that I wanted to cover his mouth with a piece of duct tape.

I could still hear him laughing after he had left the room to follow the other Toys down the hallway. What a complete and utter idiot.

I quickly left to head to the cafeteria in the opposite direction. Your threats don't scare me Bon-Bon. You just messed with the wrong bunny.

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