Hey HSA fans!

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Hello! Scarlet here!

I know this is a little soon, since High School Animatronics is nowhere NEAR being finished at the moment. BUT that's exactly why I've brought you here today!

I was sitting in class, half asleep, like I normally am on Monday mornings, when a thought popped into my head.

FNAF has 4 games, and they're all one story. So what's stopping me from making 4 books, with all of them being one complete story line.

So it's official! High School Animatronics is going to be a 4 book series, each one counting for each year of high school! As soon as the first book is done, which probably won't be for a long time, I will start working on this one!

See ya later!

~Scarlet Thorndike

P.S. If you haven't read the first book yet, please go read that. "High School Animatronics".

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