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Name: Lim Y/n
Age: 20
Wealth: Average
City: Seoul, South Korea


Year 2020, Apirl 2

Your on your way to work like ever other day. You work as a bar tender in the most luxurious club in Korea. You only been working there for a few weeks. Its pays good money for your life needs. If anything you did not want this job at all. Many things go down at this club. It's a bad environment for people like you. Its awfully loud and crowded every night.

Your father got you the job and you being the good child you are did not refuse it. Your mother lives with you. Your father and her are not on good terms. You don't really know who owns it but nor does it matter to you that much. "Y/n!" You hear a voice call out to you. You turn and smile as you see you friend who works there with you. "Hello, Jieun." You say with a soft smile. You both walk to work together.

Soon you both arrive to the now packed place. It is currently 7:00 at night. You enter and go the the back and put your stuff away and get to work. "Excuse me!" A man yells for your attention. You smile and go to him. "What can I get you?" You say to him. "Whiskey." He says and you nod and do that for him. He takes the drink and looks over to the girls dancing on a pole. You honestly have no clue how they can dance practically naked on a pole and stage, but all in all they still work hard so you have a bunch of respect for them.

The noise in the place is soon bothering you. You try your best to pull through as best as you can. Jieun knows about all your issues so she trys to help as best she can. She is a good person.

As the night now becomes to go to a end people leave and its time for you to head out. You go to the back and see one of the pole dancers going through your things. "Excuse me?" You say and she turns to you. "Oh I'm sorry, I thought this was my bag. That explains why I can't find my phone." She says and walks off. She was obviously lying. You go through your bag and make sure everything is still there. You shrug it off and put your coat on.

As you walk outside you see it's raining badly. You sigh and just walk out. You get instantly soaked by the rain. Your vision is blurred bue to the water on your eyelashes. You don't notice the man walking with an umbrella and you run straight into his tall built figure. "I'm am so sorry!" You say and bow. He only walks off not even caring. You just want to get home and warm so you hurry home.

??? P.O.V

A girl ran straight into you. You look at her for a second then walk off to your desired place. The caffe. You step In there and put your umbrella on the rack. People notice you and keep their eyes away from you. You sit at one the tables and wait. "May I help you sir?" A older woman says making you look to her. Her eyes widen at the sight. "Coffee." You say and she nods walks straight off. You look to the way and notice pictures of family's. It must be the workers bulletin bored. A face catches your attention and you take it from the board and look at on on your hands.

You put the photo in the pocket of you long back coat. Just then the lady comes back with the drink. She bows and walks off emedently. Every where you go people are afraid of you.



As you enter your small apartment you set down your bag and take off you wer coat. A sigh leaves your mouth as you walk to your bathroom to shower. You strip from your wet clothes and hop into the warm water. Your body hears uo instantly from the water. You stand there for a minute just letting the steam and heat let your mind drift off.

After 30 minutes or so in the shower you get out and put on comfy clothes. Right when you get all settled you push your glasses on your face and sit at your desk to study. You take online college classes at night. You do your work for a few hours till you get done.

You fall asleep.



You don't have work today. Your mother picked up a Job as a waitress in a busy restaurant. You enjoy your day off as you walk through the city of Seoul. Yet one thing felt off. You felt as if a pair of eyes were on you. As crazy as that sounds you push it aside.

??? P.O.V

A smirk plasters across your face as you eyes look at the picture in your hands. It's a face of a girl looking around her. Her soft brown hair and pretty figure fill you mind. "Boss?" A voice interrupts your train of thought. "What?!" You snap at the man. "Mr.Lim has requested to speak with you." He says and you roll your eyes. You stand up from your desk and walk to the man who disturbed you. "Tell Mr.Lim, I don't want to see him. His is all talk and no action. Leave!" You say and the man runs away.

You walk to your wall and look at the endless pictures of the beauty you call yours. You know everything about her. She knows nothing about you. Just how you like it. Soon enough you will be over her and pick your new obsession. Yet for now, she can't escape you eyes.


Y/n spent the day walking with a person on her tail. Every now and then pictures are snapped and exchanged. As for the man he spends most of his days killing, buying, selling, you name it. He does it. The man has never seen his girl in person though. Only through pictures. But that will all change in just a few short days.

A man has found his obsession.

Obsession || Jeon Jungkook 21+Where stories live. Discover now