Chapter 21: An Old Friend

Depuis le début

I promised to catch up with the witches before taking the letter from Hootie and tearing it open.

To my surprise however, the writer was neither girl I had addressed three days ago. Rather it was from Rosalie in Newport.

Dear Ava,

I have some incredible news that I still am having trouble believing though I must admit I am a bit nervous about.

I applied to Beauxbatons last semester and was accepted to attend starting in the spring!

My mother has been getting me packed and will come with me to the academy during the first week to get settled. While I know it will be a bit weird to have her there, I honestly can't help but worry about the language barrier. I've started my studies in French but you out of all of us must understand how long it will take me just to proficient in the language.

The headmistress has authorized use of a charmed translator for my education, but she has already expressed the importance of learning the language. I'm registered for French 101 at the academy if you can believe it. Though I'm told its going to be a very small class, maybe even one on one since most of the students are at least somewhat fluent in French.

Anyway, I'm so excited to see you in the new year and in the new school!

Who knew we would end up going to school together after all? Izzy will be brimming with jealousy at the news!

Until I see you next.


Rosalie Tripe

I had to take a moment to let the news settle in my head and even then, I reread the letter, finding it hard to believe that Rosalie was coming, and so soon after I arrived at Beauxbatons.

There went my title as the solo American for the 2nd year class.

But after the initial shock, I wave of relief came over me and kept my spirits up for the reminder of that walk and night. By bed time, I was reflecting on how having Rosalie around won't be so bad. She would be a perfect buffer between Marie and Me if things don't work out with my apology letter.

Of course, the apology letter did work because no one liked reading how they are always right like a stubborn Dutch witch.

When the break had come to a close and I had rejoined the other French girls on the platform and into the massive carriages with Jacqueline and Gisele, I had yet to have heard anything from Marie. Yet Jacqueline, being all knowing when it came to gossip, seemed to be in a chipper mood with me, which was shocking given what the last words we said to each other before the break was rather brutal.

"What do you know?" I asked, intrigued as Jacqueline tried her best to hide her smile behind a her copy of the newest French Wizarding Fashion for the new year.

"Know what? I am innocent!"

"Oh really?" I asked her with a goofy smile. "Gisele, I have some great news for you." Gisele piped up next to me in our booth and began to whisper into her ear while Jacqueline looked from behind her magazine with intrigue.

"What is it? Stop being petty and tell me, damn it!"

I didn't tell Jacqueline about a new American blue blood joining our ranks soon. But I did tell Gisele and she was enjoying pestering Jacqueline on the ride to Beuxbatons so much, there was no way she would spill the beans.

With the rush of other girls arriving in their respective carriages when reached the Pyrenes, I found Marie waiting for me there with a warm smile next to Ana and Mila with Marianna and Isla cherry faced with matching cigarettes to boot.

"I assume you got my letter?" I asked her as we hugged in hello.

"Of course. It's not every day I get something so pitiful like that in the mail. I had all the girls read it," Marie continued with a spark of mischievous glee, that made my pride drop even lower as Jacqueline winked at me from the sidelines.

"I especially liked the part about how you felt the need to be Marie's endangered servant for the next year or so. Very dramatic. Loved it," Marianna mused as she came up to my bemused expression as I tried to recall if I actually wrote that. I kissed her three times on the cheek before realizing Marianna was giving me grief while the other girls laughed.

"You did miss such a great time though, Ava. We just have to tell you," Ana explained on the ride up to the school.

"I'm sure we can beat the time you had with your family," Mila added, making me grimace at the idea.

"Oh I have no doubt on that."

The dining hall was waiting for us, with the familiar faces of wooden nymphs adorning the corners, singing in octaves a rendition of a spring lullaby while water spirits and 18th century ghosts chased each other, giggling madly, around the incoming students.

Madam Benoît was monitoring the behavior with an overwhelmed expression on her face. Obviously, she felt break ended far too soon for this sort of trouble.

"I have so much to tell you," I explained, stopping next to Mila at a four-seat table. "I have an old friend that I want you all to meet."

The sound of clinking glass filled the air as Madam Maxime appeared clinking her wine glass with her wand. Everyone turned their attentions to the half-giantess as she welcomed us back happily.

"I 'ave an announcement before we begin. A change in our student body has been made as I am pleased to introduce our newest student to the 2nd year program, a Mademoiselle Rosalie Tripe. She peered down to a figure standing awkwardly next to some first years came into focus.

Red curls, a plump face and bright blue eyes stood out against the mass of blonde, lean figures. Rosalie had made it safely to Beauxbatons and her mother was just as relevant, stationed at the table next to her daughter. A familiar pant suit adorned the witch while her daughter dressed a little to early in her Beauxbatons blue. Though thankfully, she wasn't wearing her fall uniform. That would have been mortifying.

"Let us all give her a 'arm welcome!" Madam Maxime finished elegantly, nodding to the student body to clap enthusiastically at the new arrival who was blushing furiously.

"And that ladies, is one of my childhood friends from Newport," I explained to the eager ears at my dinner table. Their reactions were just as I had expected; shocked surprise.

After dinner, I rushed over to the front of the dining hall where I found Rosalie hovering near her mother. The moment she saw me she came right at me and gave me a bear hug that I gave back, though a bit taken aback.

She must really be out of her element.

"It's so nice to see a familiar face in this crowd. You look so different!" Rosalie commented as she drew away. Her mother gave me a small wave as she looked up from the teachers table where she now sat at, a glass of wine in one hand, a piece of bread and cheese in the other.

"You have no idea how excited I am to have you here," I began before my entourage of friends appeared at my shoulder.

"Let me introduce you to some of my new friends."

We left Rosalie with Professeur Beaupré to get adjusted on the class schedule, promising her to sit with her tomorrow morning for breakfast, before racing up to the dorms to dish on what happened during our holiday breaks.

This left me staying up till past one am and waking up for my first day of classes with a horrible headache and dark under eyes.

Oh, the pain of having pale skin.

The Years of Blue [2]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant