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Those eyes. I cant brush them off my mind . Is he new? Or my dumbass hasn't seen him around? It's strange to me because there isn't many attractive guys here, mostly theres the geeks, fuckbois(bleh gross),the clowns and the athletes. But not a hot guy with a evil face lookin ass, damn.
Why are you so frightened?
" huh?" I said in a whisper startled and looked around to see who was talking. What the fuck? It sounded like it came from my head or someone talking into my ear. How strange, I probably just imagined it.
Soon you'll die by my hands
Ok this was no voice in my head that would possibly be my imagination. What the fuck is going on?

"Violet "
A distant voice called to me as it grew louder.
I looked up startled to see my teacher Ms. Anderson standing right in front of my desk looking at me pissed off.
"Huh?" I said.
" what have I told you about daydreaming in class while I'm talking to you violet? "
" I'm sorry, it's not my fault I have adhd"
" well try to listen when I talk to you next time, now I want you to read the question out loud to the entire class to hear," Ms. Anderson said with a grin and walked to her desk.
"Fuck you I'm not reading that shit"
Everyone looked at me weirdly and a few girls were giggling.
" Excuse me Ms. Rider? What did you just say to me?," she said as she raised her eyebrow.
" You heard me saggy tits"
Everyone started laughing and yelling ' world star' or 'damn she just got roasted'.
" MS. RIDER I WILL NOT TOLERATE WITH YOUR BEHAVIOR. GET OUT OF MY CLASS NOW," Ms.Anderson said as she was breathing hard.She looked like a damn wrinkly ass tomato.
" fine with me , looking at those saggy tits makes me wanna vomit " I said as I left her class and slammed the door.
" ugh stupid saggytitderson ," I said to myself as I walked around the hallways.

" i guess i should go take a smoke ", I said once I got out of a door leading outside, where there is a big tree and a bench right in front of it. I sat on the bench, lit my cigarette and just watched as the smoke slowly dissolving away. I put on my earbuds and just jammed out while the cigarette ran out.

My phone buzzed

I looked to see that McKenna texted me, I didn't feel like reading the text and I just ignored it.

My phone buzz 3 more times
" ugh what does she fucking want"

" where are you "
" Violet?"
" I just saw a guy creeping around me..fucking perv. He's hella hot but he ain't my type"
I gasped
"Is she talkin about the guy I saw? No. But what if he is ? "

I replied and said
" im at my smoke hangout "

My phone buzzed again
" aight hoe, save me one !!"

Well great I'm no longer alone, but at least I have McKenna with me.
In the distance I heard wet footsteps from the grass. Slowly creeping around me , from behind. I turned around to see nothing but the leaves slowly moving from the breeze.
" McKenna plz hurry the fuck up", I sighed and lit another cigarette and took a big puff.

" HEY WHAT YOUNG PRETTY LADY LIKE YOU DOING ALONE HERE ", said a voice in a deep scratchy voice.
" the fuck", I turned around to see it was McKenna doing the voice and grinning at me.
" haha you should've seen the look at you're face, you looked like a dead chicken."
" fuck you, I wasn't scared at all I was just cringing from the voice you made ", I said while laughing.
" whatever bitch , give me my damn cigarette", said McKenna as she took the cigarette off my hand and lit it.
" so you said you saw a hot guy creeping around you?"
" yeah, but more like if he wanted to say 'sum. The guy looked like it wanted suck on his mammas tittie, so I just threw my water bottle at him and he just stood there giving me glares and shit. Wait.. do you like him? Haha bitch", she said making a blow job movement with her hand .
I just saw him too earlier and he couldn't keep his eyes off me!."
" well that settles it , the guy just wants some pussy. With a good looking guy like him it wouldn't be hard except with his fucking evil damn glares, goddamit."
" hm, whatever"

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