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"Iris, wake up!" Someone shook the female from her sleep.

The warrior opened her eyes to stare at Ruby. "What?"

"He's here. He said he wants to take you with him.”


"Alpha Khalil,” her younger sister whisper yelled.

Iris stood up immediately. "Hell no,” she almost yelled. "Is Kale around?"

"Yes, he was notified immediately,” she replied.

She jumped out of bed and ran downstairs in her boy shorts and Kale's shirt. Ruby followed her and they both saw the commotion before them.

Alpha Khalil was smirking but Alpha Kale was livid. Iris' father was confused, her mother was scared, and Raven was enjoying the situation.

"Ah big sis, we've been waiting for you,” Raven announced with a big smile and everybody looked at the newly arrived female.

Khalil growled and within seconds, he was standing in front of her. "Take it off,” he ordered as she stared at him seeing his eyes turn dark, not from lust but from anger.

Iris ignored him and he fisted the shirt in his hand. "I-said-take-it-off.”

"Don't touch her,” Alpha Kale declared throwing Khalil backward who crashed into her mother's precious vase.

Iris saw her mom wince as Ruby tried to comfort her.

"Iris,” her father began. "Please take your...gentlemen outside,” he said carefully.

And so, Khalil dragged her by her arm and stomped outside, everybody followed and she saw warriors outside their house, less than a hundred, both Khalil's and Kale's.

The tension was high and yet, Iris hadn't said anything. She snatched her arm away from Khalil who didn't look happy about it but said nothing.

"Iris, you have to choose one of them,” her father said.

"I choose Kale,” she replied automatically.

Khalil growled at Iris and Kale wrapped his hand around her waist. "You can leave now,” he said.

"But why would the moon goddess give you two mates?" Raven mumbled.

"Moon goddess gives a female two mates because she knows the female will reach her full potential in both packs so now it's up to the female to choose where she wants to be,” Their father explained.

"Then what will happen to the one who doesn't get chosen?"

"He'll either die of loneliness–” Khalil's beta explained.

"Or he'll find another mate,” Warren completed.

"So who's dying?" Raven asked making the Alphas growl at him and he kept quiet. 

"Do you think It's fair, Angel Eyes?" Khalil spoke.

"Don't call her that.”

He ignored Kale and continued. "You don't even know me, you know nothing about me and you just choose him?"

Iris began to feel bad and she looked away from him. "Stay with me for a while,” he added.

"Get out of my pack Khalil.” Kale snarled.

“I want my mate.”

"She's mine,” Kale said as they stared at each other. Iris closed her eyes and massaged her temples to ease the rising headache but Ruby's "oh no" made her open her eyes.

Two large wolves were standing before the confused female, snapping at each other, one with red colour and one with orange colour.

Before she could blink, they lunged at each other starting a fight right in front of her house, all the warriors cheering their own Alpha and if they continued this way, one would end up dead and the other would be punished by the gamma.

"You have to stop this,” her mother said to her father.

"I'm talking to you Iris,” she said.

Well, she thought she was talking to him.

"How am I supposed to stop this?" Iris waved her hands around in frustration.

"You have to calm both wolves down,” the father said.

"I can't do that.”

"They're tearing each other to pieces, do something!" Dad snapped.

Iris knew if she calmed Micah down first, Khalil's wolf would get more agitated and if she calmed Khalil's wolf down first, Micah would get infuriated but still, she had to do something so, she shifted into her wolf, a shiny black one. 

The two wolves separated and she used that opportunity to jump in between them which turned out to be a bad idea. Khalil's wolf lunged at Kale's with his paws in the air so she jumped in front of him and his paw landed on her stomach.

Lilac winced and fell with a thud.

"Iris!" Her mother yelled.

Blood oozed out of the female wolf's stomach, staining her fur as the Alphas shifted back into their human forms, a very guilty look staining Khalil's facial features and the last thing Iris saw before she blacked out was her father checking her wound.

When she awoke later, she didn't know where she was at first until the familiar scent of the pack hospital filtered into her nose then she opened her eyes and groaned.

"She's awake,” someone said.

Iris sat up and her eyes met Kahlil’s. "I'm sorry, it was a mistake.” He apologized and she nodded in acknowledgment as she held her bandaged stomach before looking at Kale.

"How do you feel?" He asked.

"Alright,” she replied as he moved to sit at the edge of her bed.

Khalil glared at him then sat down closer to Iris blocking Kale from her which made Kale sigh but say nothing.

"We were worried,” her mother let out.

Khalil held Iris' hand in his and she felt electricity flow through her body which made her look into his eyes as he looked into hers.

For a brief moment, it felt like only the two of them existed. His beautiful brown eyes spoke to her blue ones. They were begging for a chance which left Lilac and Iris confused, both females felt conflicted.

Khalil caressed the back of her hand slowly and Iris bit her lip to stop unknown words from spilling out. His eyes traveled to her lips and he smiled.

Before they could go further, her father cleared his throat and she peered at him breaking her contact with the man before her.

"We'll leave you to rest now. You should be home by nightfall.” 

"Ruby, get me some clothes when you get back and a toothbrush and some food please.” Her sister nodded to her request.

"I'll go with her,” Raven said.

"No,” Ruby muttered.

"We'll be back in an hour,” Raven said completely ignoring Ruby.

They walked out, and her parents left shortly after. "I'll be back tomorrow,” Khalil said before he also left. 

"I hate him more now,” Kale mumbled as soon as the other Alpha was out of sight which made Iris giggle as he kissed her cheek. "Do you want me to stay with you?" He asked.

"Nah, It's fine.”

"Are you sure?"


He kissed her softly and she kissed him back. "I love you, Iris.”

"I love you, Kale.” then he also left and she was left alone.

In confusion.

Iris wanted to give Khalil a chance now but she didn't want to hurt Kale's feelings but if she didn't, it wouldn't be fair to Khalil and she would be hurting his feelings. She sighed and went back to sleep.

When she got to that bridge, she would cross it.

Team Kale?

Team Khalil?

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