Update 29/12/2019

204 9 27

I'm not dead, well not yet anyway.

I haven't touched Wattpad in a while, and I would someday like to get around to finishing at least one damn book.

I'm not sure if my account is dead or not, though. I think I've left it dormant for so long that It's been forgotten (and I'm not sure how I feel about that, honestly).

I'd like to admit to you all that I was just 12 years old when I started this story and obviously I don't think anybody would've guessed. Now I'm 14, my love for Manson and his music is still there, but maybe not as intense as it once was.

So if that's surprising to you, I don't blame you. I know this story was super fucked and I'm so young. But I would like to finish it — if anybody would read. It's been going on for too long, I want to leave this shit in 2020 for good, man.

Thank you :')

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