[7]: Bloodbound

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Cassie had been waiting for almost two days for Marilyn to awake. Anybody else in her position would've ran the moment the bullet pierced his skin. She wasn't so sure why she hadn't.

She had led him down on the bed and after crying for ten minutes, she decided she had to do something. She rooted around and found some gauze in his basement, to which she avoided the jars of her blood to the best of her ability.

Before leaving, her eyes caught sight of some rubbing alcohol and some pliers. "Shit," She sputtered at the sight of the shiny metal.

She carried the supplies back up to his motionless body. He may as well have been a corpse, but the slight movement of his chest proved otherwise.

It took her hours to muster the courage to remove the bullet, but once her hands had stopped shaking it was rather easy. However, it was a pain to lift the man's torso off the bed for her to be able to secure the gauze around.

"Stay strong for me, Marilyn," She uttered before leaving the room. Again, unaware of her motives behind it. She's only popped her head in a few times to check his well-being since.

She made it her business to explore the cottage that night, but it the end ultimately wished she hadn't. There was a hatch in the basement floor that she'd looked down after opening every single draw and cupboard. She knew it was there from her three day vacation, but she hadn't bothered to look then.

Too scared to venture down, she scanned the dark room from left to right. Blood stained the walls and floor, decomposing bodies littered the ground like sprinkles on a stone cake.

She threw up directly into the hole at the scent. Cassie slammed the hatch shut and hadn't looked in it since. He wasn't man enough to be human, surely. But somehow she still cared.

Two days later, and she wasn't sure he would ever wake up. As much as she detested his cravings, Cassie assumed he would want blood as soon as he woke up.

She ventured down into the basement for the last time and walked over to the jars filled with the red liquid. Wrapping her nimble fingers around the glass that held her blood, Cassie cringed.

Marilyn awoke to the incessant squeaking of his wooden rocking chair. He winced as the pain rushed back to him as a whole.

Cassie clenched her fists when she saw him turn over and meet her eyes. She was unable to help the rush of relief that flushed throughout her entire body. He was alive.

He looked up to her with gunmetal brown eyes, before they landed on a jar of her blood. He grunted from the pain of moving but soon the jar was in his hand and the warm, metallic liquid was running down the back of his throat.

"Cassie," He breathed as the glass was emptied.

"Yes?" She blurted almost immediately.

"I need more," He croaked. She immediately stood to her feet and nodded, "I'll go get you some."

"No." He warned, daring her to open the door. She shrunk back in confusion, letting her fingers drop from the door knob.

"Then what..." She began, stomach dropping as she realised what he wanted.

"Come here.." He coaxed, beckoning her over with his hand. She shook her head in morbid panic. Instead of snapping as he usually would, it seemed a calmness had settled on his spirit during his rest.

Cassie diverted her attention to the wall behind him. She'd regretted removing his shirt when she went to clean his wound days ago.

She tried not to give in to her temptations to go over there. "Cassie..." He taunted, knowing his deep husky voice was getting to the poor girl.

She reluctantly walked over, the light from the window casting a pale shadow over her fair skin. Marilyn snaked his hand around her waist and pulled her down so she was sitting beside him on the bed. "Did you do this?" He gestured towards the fresh gauze secured around his torso. Only a speck of blood soaked through.

She nodded, suddenly feeling self conscious under his alluring gaze. He hummed in appreciation, before grazing his lips over her wrist. Cassie shivered at the contact. She assumed he was in a better mood for an unknown reason.

He looked up at her without removing his lips from her skin. It's obvious he wasn't asking her for permission because seconds later her skin was pierced by his teeth.

She winced and tried to retract her arm, but he held it in place and continued to suck. "Marilyn..I-"

"Shh.." He whispered into her warm skin.

Eventually, she stopped struggling and began feeling lightheaded. "Mar.." She pleaded, but in the end she dropped backwards onto the bed right next to him. She felt his weight shift above her before her eyes rolled back and she fell asleep.

[A/N: a filler chapter. who's liking this story so far?]

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