Kyoka: Dad!

Mika: Kyotoku drop the tough guy act Izuku seems like a good kid.

Izuku: Sir we may have been dating only a short while, but I can say without a shadow of a doubt I love your daughter.

Kyotoku: Well what about the others.  Like the Yaoyorozu girl.

Izuku: I wouldn't do anything to hurt them.  If it came down to it I'd put their happiness above my own.

Mika: *whisper to Kyoka* He's a keeper.

Kyotoku: Mika 😭.  Kyoka found a good man to love her.

Mika: Like I said Izuku is a good kid.

Kyotoku: Izuku I heard your a musician right?

Izuku: That's right sir.

Kyotoku: Then a bet we each play a song which ever Mika and Kyoka like better wins.  If I win you stop dating Kyoka.  If you win you two can continue to date with my blessing.

Kyoka: Dad that's not necessary.

Izuku: Deal

Kyoka: Izuku you don't have to take such a ridiculous bet.

Izuku: I know, but I want your parents blessing to date you Kyo.

Kyotoku: *Angry musical noises*

Mika: 'I can't wait to see my grandbabies'

Kyoka: *blushing mess*

Looking at the Jirou family's reactions I wondered if I said something wrong.

Kyotoku: I'll go first if you don't mind Midoriya.

Izuku: Please do.

Kyotoku: Just be warned this was my most popular song when I was younger.

(In the wiki it said Kyotoku and Mika were punk musicians so I'm taking that with the biggest grain of salt possible.)

I clapped cause it was a really good song, but I knew the song that would win this for me.  I plugged my phone into a speaker system and hit play before I start singing.

(Just found this guy who is super underrated.  Check out Andrew Stein if you like natewantstobattle)

As soon as I finished singing I heard clapping and cheering.  Looking I see Mika and Kyotoku clapping.  The latter had his mouth wide open in disbelief.  Kyoka was the one cheering.  I just smiled at my girlfriend who blushed heavily.

Izuku: So does this mean I won?

Kyotoku: Yeah.  As much as I hate to admit it your a great singer kid.  Also if you and your band ever want to go big give me a call.

He hands me a business card and my eyes go big.

(Music fanboy mode engaged)

Izuku: Oh my kami your the owner of T.D. Angel record label!  Almost every single one of my favorite bands has had a contract through you guys.

Kyotoku: Glad to meet a fan.  My offer still stands.  Give it a talk with your band mates.

Izuku: Will do.

Mika: Now that that's all done dinner is ready everyone.

After that we had dinner together and talked about music and school.  After that Mika insisted we sleep here.  I was about to be shown a guest room when Kyoka explained my nightmares.

Kyotoku: I'll allow it but no funny business I'm not ready to be a grandfather.

Kyoka: Dad!

Kyoka shown me to her room which had various posters of different bands.  After changing into clothes I was lent we got into bed.

Kyoka: This is awkward huh?

Izuku: I can sleep in the floor if your not comfortable.

Kyoka grabs my arm to keep me in there.

Kyoka: No I'm fine with it

She quickly kisses me before turning her back to me.  I quickly cuddle up to her.

Izuku: I love you Kyoka

Kyoka: I love you too Izuku.

Mika and Kyotoku: Aw young love.


???: Come on Eri we are moving to a larger facility tomorrow.

End Jirou.  Special thanks to TheDekuAngel for letting reference them.  And yes I'm setting up with Jirou and even Fuyumi to lead into the overhaul arc.

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