Chapter 9

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Short chapter sorry :)

They were taking the pair to Gabriel's room which was predictable as Cas didn't have a room to himself, he shared with his other brothers and sisters. Gabriel pulled out of Lucifer's grip just as they were walking through the door and used his knife to cut a huge bag of sand above the door. The split emptied the contents onto Lucifer, the sand covered the sticky robe and hair, piling into the feathers in his wings. Gabriel took off again. Michael just stood there, wondering if he should go after the mischievous angel or just laugh at Lucifer. Cas squirmed to try and get free and run too but Michael still held him firmly and Gabriel ran on,

"Oh the treachery Castiel" Michael smirked. Lucifer walked out, covered in sand. He flapped his wings to hopefully shake some loose and practically showered Michael and Castiel with it, "Hey, Luce, watch it" He said, wiping the sand from his eyes,

"Gabriel boobytrapping his own room. Didn't see that coming" Lucifer said, "Ugh, why is it so sticky?"

"From the superglue" Cas replied,

"Ah, great" Lucifer huffed, "I need a shower now and a change of clothes. I'll get him later"

"So what shall we do with this one?" Michael asked holding Castiel up. Cas struggled a little in his grip while the two archangels were deciding his fate. His little wings beat ferociously trying to escape, Michael was having trouble keeping them pinned. Rose arrived to see the three of them standing together. Michael looked a little soaked, Lucifer was covered in sand and Castiel was trapped between them. She could see Michael trying and failing to keep a hold on him and smiled,

"What happened boys?" She asked, causing both to look her way and Cas to stop flapping his wings, he was looking a little tired by it,

"Gabriel" Came the reply,

"And Cas" Michael said, "We're trying to figure out what to do with him"

"Now, don't be mean" She smiled,

"Oh please, this little angel has taken down Leviathans. Don't underestimate him" Lucifer replied. Cas gave an innocent smile at that. He was cute, they'd give him that but it was nothing they hadn't seen from Gabriel before. Lucifer left back to his room, sliding a little after forgetting the vaseline on the floor. While he was getting a shower and changed, Michael was sitting on his bed with Castiel. He had thought of tickling the angel until he squealed but instead he was rocking him to sleep. He yawned, burrowing further into Michael's chest. Michael smiled and cuddled him. Once Lucifer came into his room, he saw them and smiled too, going to sit next to him, "This is why he gets away with everything" He said gently to not wake him, "Are we sure he's not faking?" Lucifer gently tapped the little angel's foot and got very little reaction,

"No, I think he's asleep" Michael replied. The pair sat with this little kid between them. They didn't even notice their mother leaning against the doorway with a smile on her face or their father who came and joined her,

"Just think" Rose said gently to him, "They could be torturing Gabriel right now" She smiled at her husband who gave a chuckle,

"Aren't they perfect?" The couple walked away from their son's room and wandered hand in hand through heaven. Sure, Michael and Lucifer were their pride and joy but they loved every angel that was in heaven and Rose would protect them fiercely. Chuck too would do anything for them and as they walked on, it was obvious that the family weren't soldiers anymore. Kids were running around their feet, playing with each other, sitting in the fields chatting together. It was like they had their whole family back, everyone was happy with each other. The only problems they had encountered now had a name. Gabriel. He was still in the wind after that little trick he pulled on his older brothers but he won't be gone for long, he'll come out again and a prank war may have started in heaven if Lucifer goes through with his threat. And he did. The next day, the suspicious parents woke up to more yelling. There was a fight between Lucifer and another cream covered figure. They both looked at each other, wondering what the heck happened before Chuck picked up the smaller figure with fresh cream soaking into his clothes, wings and hair and dripping down his face while Rose took a hold of Lucifer,

"What happened?" Chuck asked. He realised it was Gabriel he was holding as he squirmed. It was hard to keep a hold of him since he was so slippery,

"Lucifer covered me in cream" Gabriel pouted,

"You covered me in sand. You know how much harder that is to get out? What's the matter? You can dish it but you can't take it?" Lucifer smirked evilly,

"You don't know what you've started" Gabriel said before walking off,

"Gabriel, I've taught you everything you know"

"No" It was Gabriel's turn to smirk, "I learned my best from Loki" He said before disappearing into his room,

"Well" Rose sighed, looking at Chuck, "Now we have a prank war on our hands"

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