Chapter 7

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Castiel slept in Michael's bed where the archangel could keep an eye on him. He was determined to get rid of these nightmares, even if that meant Cas was sleeping with their mother and father. While no one was looking, he visited Dean in a dream. He took the form of Adam, the last vessel he took, walking up to Dean in a crowded bar. In the dream, Dean was at the table with Sam and Castiel in his adult vessel talking about a case. He went to buy them another round of drinks and that's when Michael approached him,

"Dean" He said,

"Adam? What are you doing here?" He tensed up immediately,

"Actually it's..."

"Michael" Dean finished for him, "Let me guess, I'm dreaming"

"Yes. I'd visit you in person but then I'd need to take a real vessel and you or your brother are the only vessels that can contain me"

"What do you want?" The hunter became cold towards Michael, preparing to shoot down any plea for help. He sat down on a bar stool next to Dean,

"I need to ask you about Castiel?"

"Why?" Michael needed to choose his words carefully to not upset the hunter more but he needed information. He decided his best option was the truth,

"Castiel has been... withdrawn from us"

"Can you blame him? I mean he has been attacked and killed by several of you dicks with wings"

"I wouldn't be coming to you for such a simple answer" Michael said, "It is not fear that haunts my brother. He's still plagued by nightmares and isolates himself" Dean's cold exterior started to melt and genuine concern flashed across his features.

"So why have you come to me?"

"Well, as you know, I've been in the cage for years. I have no idea what has happened to him. I was hoping to better understand from you"

"From me?"

"You were closest to him, the pair of you have worked together more than your brother has"

"Yeah well, even with us he'd go off and do his own thing. Really only check in over the phone"

"Well what can you tell me about his time on earth?"

"Well he would usually take on more than he could handle as you know. Then he'd have to clean up his mess"

"The Leviathans" Michael replied, "I did hear about that, he went to Purgatory"

"Not immediately" Dean said, "Originally the Leviathans possessed him until his vessel melted. He exploded in the water supply, the Leviathans all found vessels through it but Cas had died"

"Then brought back"

"Yeah, this time without his memories. It took me running into him for him to actually remember, he was living as Emmanuel"

"Emmanuel?" Michael couldn't stop a smirk, "That's a bit ironic"

"Yeah, you're telling me. He'd been healing people, had no idea he was an angel" Dean decided to take a drink from his beer, even though it was a dream, "That's how I found him. Sam's memories of the cage were keeping him up. They were killing him" Michael nodded. He felt bad for not protecting Sam. He was mad at Lucifer, not his vessel. Sam just didn't want them to destroy his family or home,

"You saying Cas remembered you?" He wanted to move past that quickly. No doubt Dean lingered on that topic to spite Michael,

"He took on Sam's burden" Michael tensed at that. Thinking of how bad Sam's time was, now Castiel knew all about it, "He was catatonic. He only woke up when we freed the leviathan tablet and even then he was talking crazy"

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