Start from the beginning


Kat's POV:

I was sitting at the corner of the room. My knees where close to my chest. A man's leg was coming closer, closer to me "no please go away " I begged.

The man kneeled down in front of me sliding a knife underneath my chin "oh Kathy dear, why are you so afraid of me? Till now you should have used to it." The man, my stepdad smirked at me. He started to pull me with him.

"H-help" I was so the dehydrated, my voice was just above a whisper. He didn't give a shit. "Please let me go" I practically begged. " Please" tears where flowing from my cheeks. "Just shut the f*ck up" he screamed throwing me on the couch. I looked at him. he took slow step towards me with the knife in his hand with a smirk. My breath become heavier. I started to get a panic attack. Tears where flowing from my eyes continuously. I was now only few inches apart from him. His knife was dangerously close to my nose . I was shaking violently.

My eyes shot open. I sat up with my hand on my head. My head was throbbing. My heart was so fast that any second it would had leaped out of my mouth. I was so much scared. I was continuously blinking to get rid of my past bus. From corner of my eyes I saw a hand got up. As a reflex, my hand went automatically above my head to protect myself from whatever was coming. I waited for it but it never came. I slowly put my hands down and looked up to see why nothing hit me. the first thing I saw was Alex sitting in front of me with a glass of water. I instantly look around and find myself in living room surrounded by the boys. Suddenly I got aware where I am. That was just a dream, a part of my past. Everyone had similar expression: Confusion, worry and something different in their eyes which I can't depict. "I suppose that glass is for me" I pointed to the glass in Alex's hand with a light but awkward laugh. No one said a word.. I didn't wanted the things to go this way. What if they ask about my past. I am not ready yet. I will never be ready to told them about my past.

"Uhm" I clear my throat, stretching my hand to get the glass from Alex hand. I drank almost all the water feeling everyone's stare on me. "Thanks" I awkwardly handed my glass to Alex. "Sis,Are you are allright?" Nick asked. Worry and concern was dripping from his voice.
"yes, I am absolutely fine kid." I said with a smile ruffling his hair. Basically, he would had snapped at me, telling me he is not a kid but right now he didn't said a word instead just looking at me. "You are not fine" a deep voice came from beside me. I looked at the source of the voice and find the owner of the voice was Neel. "I am fine. Really. That was just a nightmare" I said like it was not a big deal.

I hated the tension in the room. "I am going to my room" I said getting up and ran to my room. I exactly know that they will not let me go. I close the door and started pacing my room. How dumb I am letting them know about my nightmare. After I heard Tracey that day, I sleep with scarf around my mouth so that if I scream, no one will get to know about it. I have managed to convince them that my nightmares are gone. But now I had fucked up. How did you let do this K'? I walked to my bag, took out my medicines. I need them.

I took out the bottle putting two pills in my hand. I was about to gulp it but I stop. They were stress reliever pills, a type of drugs. There was a time when I got addicted to it. But do I really want them? They are for emergency. Is it an emergency? Stress from nightmare shouldn't count as emergency right! I put them again in the bottle and tossed it in my bag. I sat down on my bed putting my head on my hands. I am a mess. I really am.


Neel's POV:

"I am going to my room" she said and ran to her room. I just sat there watching her. "I thought her nightmares are gone" Tracey said.

"Yeah, Me to" Ryan agreed .

"No, they were not gone." I cut them with a serious expression. "At night whenever I went to her room, she was doing something on her laptop. I never saw her sleep after the last nightmare." "Bro, you went to her room to see her in sleep? That's-"

"It's not the time Ryan" I cut him.

"I think sis had heard our conversation that day " Nick said watching Tracy from the corner of his eyes.

" So you are blaming me Nicholas!" Tracey snapped.

" No bro, I am just stating the facts."

"But u-"

"Enough!!" Alex butted in their argument. "We have to do something for her nightmares" Alex said.

"For that we have to know about her nightmares" Jake suggested.

"But how ?" Nick asked.

"We have to talk to her" I declared. "Let's go"

We went toward her room. I rotate the door knob but it was lock. I don't back to the guys. "She must be sleeping, we will talk to her tomorrow" Ryan told us. we nod in agreement and split to go to our respective rooms. I lied down on my bed.

How funny, just today we have so much fun, first spider then DVD but now!  life can change anytime, anywhere.


"What? I have not mix poison in it. You can have it." Kat joked the next day serving are plates during breakfast. We thought we will talk to her in the morning but she was acting like nothing have happened last night. She was acting like always. I looked at Ryan. He nod in assurance and gestured to us to keep quiet. We eat in silence. When we finished, she collected our dishes and when to rinse it." I think she don't want to talk about her nightmares "Alex said."If you had not mention it, we would have never knew it, dipshit." Jake snapped sarcastically. "What should we do now?" Seb asked.

"We should give her time. If she find it safe, she will eventually tell us." Tracey suggested

"What! we can't wait. I know you don't like her but we do." Nick cried.

"I think Trace is right" Ryan said.

"But Ray bro-" Nick said, defeated.

"Nick,you are still 15. Don't know how to handle such situation. It's been only one week she came here. The most I know about her she will never share something until she completely trust us" Ryan explained."

"But she trust us. SIS !!"Nick ran in the kitchen. We followed him.

"S-sis you trust is right?" He asked standing exactly in front of Kat. His eyes there Glossy. "Y-Yes Nick. What happened?" Kat asked cupping his cheeks. He was silent. She looked at us. Worry and confusion was visible in her eyes. She again looked at Nick.

"Nick?..." She asked

"Then why don't you tell us about your nightmare?"Nick fired. She froze at her spot." N- Nick. T-t-That was just some stupid nightmare. I get that from very beginning. It has become a part of my life. I am used to it. Just because of some nightmares you don't have to worry about me. I am absolutely fine."She said looking directly at Nick. Her eyes were too turned glossy. Nick hugged her while she hugged him back. Suddenly Seb  hugged them both. They froze.

"What? I am concerned too. I deserve a hug too" he defended himself. Kat nodded then look at us. We smile and joined them in the group hug.

"I never thought these big bad boys are so emotional" she joked pulling away. We all smiled.


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