Chapter Three: Best Friends Forever & Ever

Start from the beginning

My silence was obviously enough of an answer because he nodded and his eyes took on mischief, "Well then, I guess posting the picture I have wouldn't be embarrassing."

"What picture..." I asked but then I clicked and gasped, "You wouldn't." It was supposed to sound confident but it came out more uncertain than anything I had ever said in my life. That was saying something considering I was not the most confident person out there.

He quirked an eyebrow in amusement, "Wouldn't I?" He teased, showing me the picture on his phone that was already set to upload onto Facebook if I even said the wrong thing. I couldn't let that picture get out, I would die from embarrassment. I was serious. I would just faint. Right there. Then fall into a coma from the humiliation coursing through me.

"Please, Cameron." I begged him. The photo that he was threatening me with was from when I worked at Pizza Palace as their mascot, Peh-dough The Pizza Man last summer. I had to stand outside waving a pizza sign around. The thing was, no-one knew it was me. The reason for that was because Peh-dough The Pizza Man was the most unhygienic, embarrassing costume ever and what made it worse was the fact that it sounded like Pedo The Pizza Man. I didn't know that was the job I would be getting when I started at Pizza Palace but when they told me, I couldn't say no. I needed that money to go towards my future education.

Cameron wasn't supposed to know either but when I kept disappearing and couldn't hang out with him, he followed me one time to work and took a photo of me in the costume without the head on. I didn't know he was there but he ended up confronting me about it and said he took the photo, not knowing it was me until he saw the photo.

He lied.

"Hmm begging is a good look for you, Lay Lay. Try again but this time, you know what to do and say." He smirked.

Oh god, okay. I would do anything to make sure that photo didn't get leaked.

I walked a bit closer and got on my knees, "Oh, your majesty!" I cried over-dramatically.

"Without the patronizing theatrics." Cam rolled his eyes at me but I just continued. He was the one who wanted me to beg so he needed to get over how I did it and live the moment. Relish it, bathe in it. Cherish it.

Because it was never happening again.

"Thou should'st be kind and pledge mercy upon my kind soul?" I smiled sweetly. Any sweeter, I would need to make a dentist appointment.

Cameron turned his mouth slightly in a frown, "You can do better than that. More smiling. No complimenting yourself because well, that's my job as your best friend and more complimenting me. I want you to sell it sister. And no Shakespeare."

I glared at him so darkly that it could send someone straight to hell.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. None of that. Come on, Thea. This is the easy way out." He sympathized. Yeah right, if he had any sympathy then he wouldn't be doing this to me.

"I know, I know." I groaned. Knowing he wouldn't let me off without nothing but the truth, I cleared my throat, "Cameron, you honestly are the best friend anyone could ask for. I'm so glad I fell from that tree when we were younger, if I didn't then I wouldn't have talked to you if I had just met you at the dinner table or inside with our parents. You're always there to catch me when I seem to be falling so I am forever in your favour. I don't know where I would be without you, Cam. I love you to the ends of the earth and would never trade you for anything."

By the time I was finished and took a glance at his face, I jerked back in surprise causing me to lose balance because he had crouched down right in front of me. As I was about to fall to my side, Cameron slipped his arms around my waist, stopping me from falling. Again.

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