Chapter Thirty-Four: An Eventful Weekend {Part One}

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||Chapter Thirty-Four: An Eventful Weekend {Part One}||

Thea's POV:

"Do you have everything you need?" Ugh, Not this again.

My dad had been worrying over me all day today and it had reached annoying the second time he asked.

You heard right, I had actually been speaking to him.

I guessed that you could say we were on better terms now. After yesterday, when I backed away from him, I apologised and ran upstairs to my room.

I completely broke down. Everything just came flooding to the surface and I felt as though I would never stop drowning. Dad followed me but I didn't know until I felt his weight dip the bed ever so slightly.

He didn't say a word, he just wrapped his arms around me and held me tight like he used to do when I was a child.

After that, we had a heart to heart about everything that had happened. He apologised for keeping the knowledge of my mother's existence from me and I accepted it with hesitation.

He had his reasons for keeping it from me. All though I disagreed with those reasons, I couldn't stay mad at him forever. He was my father after all and I needed him by my side to support me.

Cameron and my dad had always been my rocks but no matter what happened, I needed my dad.

So there we were today, most was forgiven and he had already annoyed me severely. Great times, great times.

"Yes dad, I'm eighteen and I will only be here for two nights." I hopped out of the car, slipping my arm through my old netball, one-shoulder bag.

"Fine. Call me if you need anything!" Dad called as I shut the passenger door closed. He wound down the window so I bent my knees a little to say goodbye.

"Will do but stop worrying, I'll be fine." I gave him a small curve of my lips as he rubbed his hand down the side of his face.

"Alright, I'll be off." I waved a little as he reversed out of the driveway before looking at the house.

Finally, I was here.

I hadn't been to this pool house in so long but it was literally a twenty minute drive from my house. I guessed that we just never had any time to stay here. Dad was always busy with work. I... Well, I had school.

I felt the gravel crunching underneath my black converses as I made my way down the path. I used my key to open the door but before I entered, I let my eyes wander around the yard.

There were no flowers, gardens or anything. It was just so vacant.

"Hey! Cool, you're here. I was afraid I would be first and wouldn't be able to get in."

I turned to face the person who was jogging towards me in just a pair of sweatpants and a tank top.

Cole engulfed me into a bear hug so I just awkwardly brought my hands up to pat his back in return before I pulled away.

"Okay, hi to you too." I chuckled at his silly pout. While he was frowning, I smiled so bright and wide that I thought I would end up looking like The Joker.

I rolled my eyes at his child-like behaviour and slapped his arm lightly. All Cole did was move past me, into the house and before I knew it, another pair of arms were around me from behind. Unless one of the boys had suddenly grown in their chest area and wore nail polish then my guess was that the attacker was Lea.

"I missed you so much! I haven't seen you in like, forever!" Yep, definitely Lea.

"How come no one here knows how to say a proper hello when they greet me instead of all these hugs." I whined but soon froze at the next voice that joined into our conversation.

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