Chapter Eighteen: Tears Are Okay

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||Chapter Eighteen: Tears Are Okay||

That is Thea on the side :) 

Thea's POV:

"Make this quick, Nikki." I bit out, trying to hide my emotions from her because of what just happened. I didn't need to give Nikki the satisfaction of seeing me upset.

"It's about your best friend, Cameron and just how much fun we had at the party." The evil smile on her face honestly made me want to slap her.

Cameron wouldn't do that to me. He was my best friend, he wouldn't... He couldn't.

Don't jump, don't skip, Thea, I told myself. Never jump to conclusions.

"Like he would go as low as you. Oh, yeah, I forgot to ask at the party. What's it like being the prostitute of the month? Every month?" I asked gingerly. I internally patted myself on the back, mentally wiping tears of pride away from my minds eyes. I thought my creative bite at her was beautiful.

Nikki's face was priceless; her mouth was opening and closing like Dory off finding Nemo every time Dory tried to remember what she was going to say. I just love Ellen Degeneres. Nikki soon composed herself to give off that she didn't care but she wasn't quick enough. She was playing dory for a whole minute and I didn't think she even realised it.

"Looks like Cameron has joined the prostitution club then." Nikki all but snarled at me.

I took a step back to get away from the liar in front of me, "What's that supposed to mean?" I gritted my teeth together. I hated talking to her for this long, I just wanted to get home before I broke down in tears. Was that so much to ask for?

Since we were still in the door way to the cafe, I moved to the curb of the sidewalk and turned to face her again. She took a few steps in her stilettos towards me and smirked.

"Cameron led me to his bedroom last night and we had sex. I mean, it wasn't the first time since there was that time at the last party... But yeah, I thought you should know." Then she added with lower volume "Oh, and he knows your secret, he told me about Jake."

My heart stopped. Firstly, what? They had sex? Not only once but at the last party too? The same party when the whole Ryan thing happened? I couldn't believe it but he was pissed off the other night so going to another girl made sense. How could he do that to me though?

Especially after what she had said and done to me. 

But, what secret? Jake? What?

"My..." I cleared my throat, "Secret?" I didn't know that there even was a secret. The only thing I hadn't told Cameron was my feelings towards him (though that has nothing to do with Jake) and the other major secret which was the pregnancy and "Miscarriage".

Oh, you had to be kidding me. No way. He didn't even know about it! Unless...

Jake. Damn, Cameron surely hated me now but how could he tell Nikki?

That broke my shattering heart even more.

Nikki just smirked proudly in confirmation and I just had to, "Leave."

"Excuse me?" Nikki asked, the twisted smile slipping off her face to leave room for confusion to fill in.

I started backing away from her, along the sidewalk and whispered, "I have to go." before sprinting in the direction of my house.

Thea [EDITING]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα