Chapter Four: Screw You's & Dresses

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||Chapter Four: Screw You's & Dresses||

Thea's POV:

This had been the longest day of my life, it was Monday and I got called into school by my history teacher to do that last pop quiz that I missed last week when I had my dental appointment. I just wrote 'Screw you.' on every answer and smiled sweetly at Miss Wood when I handed it in. What did she expect? I wasn't even supposed to be there. I only agreed to come in because I had nothing better to do and I wanted to pass time before my birthday party.

I couldn't wait until my party though, that was why my dad didn't want me home until 8. That was the time it started. He knew I would want to control everything so I was going to Lea's to hang out and get ready for it instead.

I just couldn't believe I was 18 now, wow. I was officially legal to drink and go clubbing.

I was usually a lightweight and I could definitely not hold my own against Cameron who could drink a whole well-stocked bar but hardly be tipsy at all. Though, in saying that, he kept insisting that he wouldn't be drinking much tonight. Since when was he responsible? Looked like finishing high school changed him.

Yeah right.

I was waiting outside my school, sitting on the curb looking around for Lea's car when I saw it.

Cameron and Stacey Mulligan were making out.

They were getting all sexual under a tree for crying out loud. Why were they even at school when school was finished for the year?

Then again, really, why was I?

"Seriously?" I mumbled under my breath.

Seeing my best friend do that hurt to watch, it always had when I saw him with other girls. I think it was because I was scared some other girl would replace me as the person he told everything to and hung out with.

His hand was creeping up Stacey's shirt and I just had to look away. This happened all the time, I should be getting used to it by now. Cameron was always surrounded by skinny, pretty and needy girls 24/7. I just needed to get used to it... He was my best friend after all.

Cameron was pretty popular at our school, so he didn't tend to spend as much time with me now as he used to because we hung out with different people. I wasn't saying I was unpopular, I just wasn't that popular, kind of average actually. Average had it's perks because being average meant only a handful of people didn't like you and those people for me were; Nikki Anders, Stacey Mulligan and Keisha Mitchell Usually I just tried ignoring all of them and now there was one of them right in front of my face. Cam knew how much we disliked each other. Couldn't he find another girl to fool around with?

Finally I saw Lea's car driving toward me and I almost screamed in relief. Thank god. I loved her so much but what took her so damn long?

She pulled up next to where I was still sitting and pushed open the door of her spider convertible for me. I so need to get my licence. I didn't have anything against the car but I had a different taste. At least if I had my licence, I could drive myself around. I was one of those people strongly disliked relying on others. Ever since I had become friends with Cameron, I knew I relied on him as my best friend and really I needed to stop before I got hurt.

She looked over at Cam who was still lip locked with the bimbo then back at me while I was clicking in my seat belt "Hey girl, why are you looking so down?" She asked skeptically, looking back over at Cam then me again.

Shit, okay. Time to change the subject otherwise she'll make it seem bigger than what it actually was, what changed her mind last time she wanted information? I think I remembered...

Thea [EDITING]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin