*Some hours later*

Fiona arrived at the house without any trouble. Her mother was so happy to see her oldest child again. Mary, which was the Housekeeper and also an Afro-American woman, was welcoming the young Lady.  Two dark-skinned men did carry her luggage into the house. "Excuse me. You don't have to bring my luggage in. I can also do it myself.", Fiona said kindly to the black men. "Fiona, please let them do their work or your 'father' will be very unpleased.", her mother told her what bothered the young Lady very much. "Madam, your daughter has such a good heart and is also now a young Lady.", Mary said to her Madam, but Fiona's mother couldn't calm down or stop worrying about it. Her husband was very strict and saw the Afro-American people as slaves. That's why he had many fights with his stepdaughter which thinks not the same way as he does. That's also the reason why he did send her to a Catholic Girls School with dorms, so he doesn't have to see her that often. Both had a big dislike for each other. Leonard Blair was not the kind of man who would allow this kind of behavior in his house. His employees are mostly Afro-Americans. In his eyes, they were wild humans without any culture and knowledge just good enough to do the hard work. But his stepdaughter Fiona does totally disagree with him and that these people deserve respect like them too. Fiona did her best to not turn her stepfather mad and to be a good daughter for once in a while. Fiona watched the workers decorating the house and garden. She also wanted to decorate but her mother would say that it will displease her stepfather even more. He also would punish the workers for letting her help them what is more the reason why she tries not to help them. After she opened the door there was Emma running into her arms and hugging her older sister. "I missed you big sister.", she said with such a cute voice and looked with her big blue eyes at her taller sister. "I missed you, too.", she softly patted the smaller girl's brown locks and realized that her brother was nowhere to be seen. "Emma? Is Erik not home?", she asked her little sister then. "He is in his room and changing for the party.", Emma told her with excitement.

Fiona did go to the 2nd floor where her own room and Erik's room are. The door to his room was open and she looked at his very skinny figure. He looked so sick and that he was close to fainting. "Erik?", she said suddenly out loud and her brother looked at her shocked, and covered his slim figure from her eyes. "It's rude to enter a room without knocking.", he said annoyed, while he finished dressing up. "What do you even want...", was the next thing he said before his sister could even ask what happened to him. "Emma told me you were changing. I wanted to greet you." "Now that you saw me, could you just leave me alone for now and get ready for the party.", was the last thing he said before he shut the door in front of her. What surprised her and made her even more worried. She did what her little brother told her and changed into a golden gown in her room. The dress does fit the best to her bright red hair. Her hair color was rare and not many people had such red her as she has. That's why many men were interested in marrying her, but she still refuses them because there was no man she could love or even like. Her stepfather wanted her to marry a rich man that will not only raise his reputation but also their fortune. She sometimes wishes that her father would be still alive and allow her to marry a man which she truly loves. She knew that he would never force her into a marriage where she doesn't even love one another. 

The party started at 6 p.m. and not all guests did yet arrive. Fiona was taking a look at the guest also forced to welcome each of them or have some Smalltalk with them. The only thing that interested her was the talk about the murders and if it was one and the same person. Around 8 p.m. the people from the radio station and newspaper arrived. There was a man who caught her attention. "I never thought to see you this soon again, Mister. This must be faith.", Fiona said to the brown-haired young man she already saw today. He was surprised to see her as well. But then the boss of the young man did interrupt them. "Alastor this young lady here is Miss Fiona Fabiene Bach. She is Leonard Blairs Stepdaughter.", he introduced both. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss.", Alastor said and bowed to her. "The same goes for me, Sir.", she did a curtsey in front of him. The boss left them alone after he saw a famous actress entering the room. "Would you like to go outside with me? It's so crowded and stuffy in here.", she said to Alastor and he agreed with her. Both went outside so that they could have a better chat. "Isn't it funny that we met again?", she asked and smiled softly at him. "Yeah, it really is, Miss Bach." "Please call me Fiona.", she said and Alastor wasn't sure if this was really ok. "This is my Christmas wish.", she said and so he couldn't say anything against it. "Alright, Fiona.", he said a bit shy to her. He didn't know why but Fiona made him feel shy. All the other women he already met annoyed him and he was putting on a fake smile. Both were sitting in the garden on the large swing. They talked about work, school, their hobbies and what they like or dislike. Alastor enjoyed talking with her and also made some Dad Jokes to make her laugh. He never felt this comfortable after his mother did pass away. Fiona did start to shiver and he did take off his jacket and place it over her shoulders. "FIONA! FIONA! HELP!", shouted a girl and Fiona looked up. Suddenly her little sister Emma appeared. "What's wrong Emma?", she asked the brown-haired girl. "Erik did fall and doesn't wake up.", Emma told her older sister and dragged her with her. Alastor followed them. Erik was laying on the ground on the 2nd floor of the house. Nobody knew that he was missing or did even realize that he fainted.

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