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Cierra's POV

"Ya lo odio." ( I already hate it) I said to my abuela. "It's going to be fine, I'm sure you'll make lots of friends, anyways I have to go, te quiero." My grandma said as she walked out the office.

"Love you too ." I mumbled. I was sitting in the office waiting for someone to ask me who I am. My abuela dropped me off 15 minutes late and it's my first day. How embarrassing. Now I'm going to walk into whatever class I have and everyone is going to stare at me.

"And you must be..." some lady came up to me and asked. "Cierra Ramirez." I said

"Follow me please." I'm guessing she knew who I was already. Estoy empezando a ponerme nervioso. She stopped at a brown door that said "Science Class."

Greatttt Science first period. The lady moved to the side, I'm guessing so I could walk in. I turned the door knob and all of sudden it got really quiet and everyone turned there big head to look at me. My hands started to shake because I hate when people stare at me. I have really bad social anxiety.

I quickly stepped in the class, and avoided all eye contact. The teacher then continued to speak and I took out my loose leaf paper and my crusty pen that's about run out of ink. From the corner of my eye I see a tomboyish looking girl sitting at the table next to me. She was all inked up, had on all black, and her hair was in a curly bun.

She was pretty cute, but I don't rock that way. Yeah I've kissed a couple of girls but I ain't gay. But I couldn't stop looking at her, whenever I see attractive people I stare. Can't help it. She slowly lifted her head up, looked over at me and smiled. Fuck I guess she felt me staring at her. It's only the first day and I'm already distracted.

Kehlani's POV

I could just feel someone burning holes into the back of my head, so I slowly lifted my head and surprisingly saw the new girl staring at me with her lip in between her perfectly straight teeth.

She's pretty cute so I smiled at her and she quickly turned her head looking nervous. I smiled to myself, I'm not gonna lie she's hot but I'm trying not trying to be a hoe like I was Freshman year because that got me into a lot of trouble. And issues with desperate girls. I couldn't stop looking at her. She had a red sweatshirt on with black ripped jeans, and all white Air Force 1's. I could just tell from how she was sitting that she had a fat ass.

Blinggggg Blingggg

Well isn't that a great way to start the first day. Staring at the sexy new girl instead of copying my notes. I can already tell she's going to be a distraction. I mean that's not fair you can't just walk around looking that fuckable, and expect me not to get distracted.

Fast forward to lunch (still kehlani's pov)

As I'm eating my little bites at my table. Alone. I see the new girl looking for somewhere sit. She's short as hellll. She has to be like 4'11.
Now I would never ever invite someone over to my table but I felt bad and I wanna know more about her if I'm going to be day dreaming about fucking her in class. "Yo new girl you can sit here if you want." I shouted to her.

She looked over at me with a relieved face. She started to walk over to the table with no food in her hands. "T-thank you so much for letting me sit here, i-I'm sorry if I'm being a burden." She stuttered nervously. I chuckled to myself.
"Chill ma, it's aight. You should be honored though I never let anyone sit over here." I said.

She slightly smiled. "Where's ya food at, I know you hungry." I asked her. She fiddled with her hands. Why she so damn nervous? "I didn't get food because I wasn't even expecting to find a seat." She said, finally looking up at me. Wow her eyes are so big. I slid my last little bite across the table to her. She broke out in a full smile and mumbled a thank you.

"No problem baby girl, so tell me about yourself, since you're already sitting here." I said playing with my curls.

"Well my name is Cierra Ramirez , I'm 16, I live with my abuela, I'm Mexican,Italian,and Dominican, most of my family are back in Mexico that's why I'm here because I didn't want to stay with them, I love drawing, im 4'11,I collect shoes specifically sneakers,and I'm a Pisces. She said looking back down. "What about you." She mumbled.

"Um well my name is Kehlani Parrish, I'm 17, I live with my mom and my stepdad, I'm black,white, Native American, Filipino,and Mexican, I have no friends so it's a little weird that I'm talking to you right now, im 5'5, I'm gay, I also collect sneakers, I'm a Taurus and as you can see I'm a stud." I said out of breathe.

All of a sudden Cierra grew some confidence and stuck her hand out and said "Well say hello to your new friend." I laughed and shook her hand, maybe having a friend this year won't be so bad.

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