They maneuver my bed out of the room. When I realize my parents aren't going to be with me I panic. "Wait," I call when half the bed is out the door.

My parents come around and can see the worry on my face. "What is  wrong baby?" My mom asks she has an overnight bag and a purse.
"I want you guys to come with me," I say I can tell the Camden guy is uncomfortable with my crying and doesn't know what to do.

"I don't want to go alone… please," I look at them pleading not to leave me alone.

"Ana you and Ted go up to the room I will walk with them," My dad says running his hand through his hair. Relief fills my body. Camden pushes my bed and my dad walks next to me. I keep staring up at him. They take a weird way to special elevators and nobody is back here except us. I am really glad my dad is here.

I reach out in the elevator to grab his hand and he takes mine. His thumb strokes my knuckles and everything feels okay for a split second. "Dad?" I say trying to get his attention.

He looks down at me waiting for me to say something. "I love you," I say the first thing that comes to mind.
"I love you most." Those four words made me feel completely better than before. We go in silence to my new room.

My new room is bigger and has a window with a good view of the city. I stare out of it as the new nurse, I think her name is Janene, evaluates me.

I feel the sudden urge to pee and sit up but groan because it still hurts to move, the nurse looks over at me "Phoebe what are you doing hun?" she asks and both my parents sit up.
"I have to use the restroom," I say and try to swing my legs around the bed, but pain shoots through me and I fall back.

"Phoebe you cannot walk or get out of bed yet. You have a tube attached just relax your muscles. We can't have you up and walking just yet." I frown that is what that weird thing is between my legs. Everything hurt so I just assumed I did something.

"No that is gross please I just want to walk to the bathroom." I look to my mom who is smirking at my dad. What could possibly be funny at this moment?

"Phoebe sweetheart, you heard Janene you can't get up, use the catheter. I know it isn't the most pleasant thing, but we can't risk you getting hurt." My mom says I cover my face with my hands and shake my head. I refuse that is disgusting.

"Phoebe Grace Grey you are not getting up. Listen to the nurse now." My dad cuts in, using his no-nonsense tone. Shit, he is frustrated. I look to Teddy who is giving me the same look as Dad.

I am sure my face is crimson. I have to pee so bad at this point. I finally just let go. l watch as my dad and the nurse eye the bag to make sure I went. This is humiliating.

The nurse finishes up her check and walks out. "Teddy, when did you get here?" I ask him and he looks up from his phone.

"Three days ago, Dad called and told me everything, so I took the next flight to Seattle." He says and I nod.

"I am sorry," I say. He shakes his head. "Bubs, you made a really stupid decision one that was reckless and dangerous, but I know you learned a lesson and will never do it again. Besides, I think triple the security is in your future." My mom scolds him for that. I look to my right and my dad is still sitting there holding my hand.

I didn't even think of this as a possibility when I left the ball that night. I still want to talk to my parents about everything, but I know for now I need to worry about getting better.
Dad got me chicken noodle soup for dinner and I ate the majority of it. He smiled at this and I think that was the first genuine smile I have seen in a while.

"You tired Phoebe?" My dad asks as he clears the food from my tray table. I nod and he leans down to kiss my head. Dad takes my hand in his and rubs my knuckles. "Sleep then." I fall asleep soon after.

PHOEBE GREYWhere stories live. Discover now