Chapter 13

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(Christian's Pov)

I have to admit that I teared up when I read Phoebe's letter. She has gotten so much more mature over the years it is hard for to grasp sometimes. I can't believe she thinks I was mad at her. I was hurt yes but not mad. Phoebe has always been very sensitive and emotional it must have been hard for her to write that out. I assume Flynn told her about writing as he recommends it to me sometimes to when I feel I can't express everything to Ana. I decide that I am going to write a letter to Phoebe then talk to her after. I have never tried his writing thing but maybe it will help.

Dearest Phoebe Grace,

You writing that letter to me showed how much you have grown into a respectable young woman. I am so proud of you for being mature and expressing your feelings to me, I hope you know how proud you make me on the daily.

There will never be words to describe how bad I have felt that you have had to endure the things that have happened in the past couple days. But know I am here for you every step of the way.

For the CCTV footage I need you to know, I did not keep it from you to be suspicious or sneaky. I thought if you would have seen it that it would have crushed you. But that is not my decision to make and I should have told you. For that I am very sorry. If you wish to see it I will give it to you, if you wish to burn it I will be there with a lighter.

Please remember Phoebe I am your cheerleader. Whatever you do I will support you 100%.

It is not hard to either because you have always gone throughout life being altruistic.

I don't know where you got the idea I was mad at you. I was hurt that you were ignoring me but never mad. If there is anyone who understands needing to walk away to not say anything terrible it is me.

I assume you got that from me. Also Bubs, everyone makes mistakes. If there were no room for mistakes in relationships nobody would have them. Do not worry about me being mad at you if anything I am more proud of you.

I am going to be here to talk. Whenever you are ready you know where to find me. Maybe I could pick you up from school, one day this week to have lunch. Let your dear old dad know. Never forget that I LOVE YOU Bubs.

You and your mother and brother are what my world begins and ends with. You guys keep me alive.

Love, A very proud father to an amazing girl.

I seal the letter up and address it to my girl then start to walk upstairs. I knock on her door then slide it underneath then go back to my study to do the work I have. I open my laptop and start through my long list of emails.

(Phoebe's Pov)

I am lost in thought at the moment right now. I hope dad read my letter and understood where I was coming from. He always has meant well sometimes he just does bizarre things. I hear a knock at my door and I go over to it to open it because it is locked but I hear a crunch under my foot.

That is weird. I pick up the piece of paper and see it is a letter. I notice the perfectly neat penmanship right away. Dad replied to my letter. I go and sit on the bed carefully opening it.

Tears have now wet the letter as I set it aside. I sit up in the mirror and rubs my eyes. Attempting to take away the redness and tears but failing miserably. I go and get a hand towel putting cold water on it to relax the redness.

After I am confident in my appearance I go downstairs and knock lightly on the door to Dad's office. "Come in" He says and sounds stressed out. I peek my head in and take in his appearance.

He is still in his casual clothes of dark jeans and a grey long sleeve shirt. He has his phone on speaker and I hear Ross on the other end. He smiles when he sees me looking relieved almost and motions for me to come in.

I sit in the comfy leather chairs he has in front of his desk and look around. He has pictures of us everywhere. I look at the one that has of us. I am about three years old sitting behind a birthday cake on dads lap. He is holding me up so I can get to the candles.

Dad looks so young in it. He really hasn't aged much at all. Christian Grey defying odds. Who would have thought?

Once he finishes his conversation he shuffles up his papers putting them to the side the focusing all of his attention to me. "Hi Bubs" he says to me lightly. He is resting his elbows on the table. "Hi Dad" I say "I am sorry" I blurt out before thinking about it. "Bubs I already told you I am not mad at all, I am not hurt anymore either. You apologized baby we are okay now." I don't know why that makes me break into tears but it does and a lot of them. "Oh sweet girl don't cry." He says as he makes his way over to me.

Dad kneels in front of the chair I am sitting in and take me into his arms. He leads me to the big couch he has in his office and sits me next to him. "Shhh don't cry talk to me baby." I just cry then finally sit up saying in a shaky voice "I I d-don't deserve you as a Dad." He just looks at me empathetically and gently says; "I know the feeling" I look up to him as he dries my tears. "I don't deserve you as a daughter." How could he even think that?

"You are right you deserve someone better" I say agreeing with him. He just shakes his head hugging me tightly. "I wouldn't want anyone but you bubs. You make me so proud day in and day out. I never knew it was possible to love something or someone as much as I love you." I cry into his chest as he talks to me. How did I get so lucky with him as my Dad? "Let's get you to bed baby I will lay with you." He says and unexpectedly picks me up. He carries me to my bedroom and lies in the bed with me. "Sleep baby girl. I love you most" He says kissing my head and rubbing my back. It is so hard not to when he is being this comforting. Finally I succumb to sleep.

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