chapter 5

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Jungkook's POV

after 25 minutes of me staring at taehyung. we arrived at my apartment. i looked outside the window and realized i was in a Rolls-Royce

"am i sitting in car that's worth more than my life?" i asked in shock

" yes you're sitting in a Rolls-Royce and no it's not worth more than your life. your life is the most expensive thing in the world and the only thing i want to buy"

i started to blush crazy. i was smiling so hard and i couldn't stop smiling.

"aww you have a bunny smile. so cute" he pinched my cheeks

i started to blush more. now i look like an apple so i turned away to look at my apartment. that's when i realized my doors were broken down, my windows were opened. my expression immediately changed

" what's wrong? did i hurt you?"

"no its just uhh my apartment is kinda broken" i pointed at my apartment

"oh fuck. that's bad umm you can stay with me for now and i'll call hoseok to get this fixed" taehyung quickly said

" oh no it's okay i don't want to cause any trouble. and i will just call someone myself. no need to call for me"


"sorry i am just a little protective is all. but no you are not staying there. you will be staying with me the next few days until i relocate you so your ex-boyfriend doesn't murder my cute bunny"

i was a blushing mess. who would have ever thought he would be so sweet and caring. damn i really am falling for him hard. he's just so beautiful it's not even describable.

" okay then. if you say so." i replied giving him my famous bunny smile as jimin calls it

after chatting for around 30 minutes, we arrived at his house. in the car, we talked about many things. turns out he loves photography just like me. he also loves scuba diving and he use to play basketball when he was young. we actually have a lot of things in common. i guess it was destiny that brought us together. thank you god

we arrived at his house. it's not even a fucking house. it's literally a fucking mansion. what the hell. must be nice being rich.

he opened the door for me and i walked out

"what a gentleman" i teased and he started blushing

"look who's blushing now" i said and his face was RED RED by this point

i was in awe when i stood outside the house. the house was like 20,000 square feet. there were 4 floors and it looked like a castle. it was amazing

"are you going to go in?" taehyung asked with a smirk on his face

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"are you going to go in?" taehyung asked with a smirk on his face

" i umm- uhh HELL YEAH" i screamed and ran in. i heard taehyung chuckle a little in the back

" so you can pick which room you want to stay in. there are 10 total i think. and umm here are clothes for you" taehyung handed me a gucci shirt and sweatpants from gucci as well (A/N idk if gucci actually has sweatpants)

" wow that's very gucci. thank you! i'll go shower really quickly. thanks for everything again"

"before you go. i need to take care of your wind first" taehyung said as he sat me down in the kitchen

Taehyung's POV

"i'm going to go get my first aid kit. stay here okay?" i said as i walked to my room to grab the box

i went to my room to search for the first aid kit. i got it and went back to the kitchen. when i went back, i saw jungkook staring at the house in amazement

"is my house really that beautiful? prettier than me" i joked as i grabbed his hand to observe his cut

"uhh. well your house is beautiful. but you, you are on another level" jungkook said as he extended his arm to me

"okay. your cut isn't that deep. it's pretty shallow so i should be able to treat this" i said as i pulled him to the sink

"how do you know how to do this" he asked as i turned on the water

"i wanted to be a doctor when i was young" i said as i washed my hand

"interesting. what made you change?"

"i don't really know to be honest. i guess being a doctor just didn't suit me" i said while i dried my hand

"okay. it's your cut isn't bleeding anymore. i'm just going to rinse it then" i said as i put his hand under the drain

"ouch ouch" jungkook hissed hissed pain

"okay that part is done. now i'm going to wash around the cut with soap" i said as i carefully washed the surroundings of his cut with soap being carefully not to get the soap in the wound

"are you done?" jungkook asked with his eyes closed

"yup. this part is going to sting a little. keep your eyes closed, it'll help" i said as i took out the tweezer from the box and cleaned it with alcohol

i began to remove the dirt and debris with the tweezer

"ouchhhh" jungkook whimpered

"okay done. there weren't a lot of debris so i was able to get it all out on my own without a doctor" i said

"are you done yet? is the next part going to hurt?" jungkook asked

"didn't know you get hurt so easily" i said as i took out the antibiotic

"i'm very sensitive so i do" he replied

i applied a thin layer of antibiotic ointment

"what's this for?"

"it's to keep the surface clean and help prevent scarring"

"oh. you know a lot" he said as he nodded

"yeah i guess i do. okay last step now. this shouldn't hurt at all" i took out the gauze from the first aid kit

i gently wrapped the gauze held in place with paper tape around his wound

"and done!" i said as i put everything back in the box

"thank you so much. i owe you a lifetime" he smiled

"i get that a lot. go shower now. i'll be in the living room" i smiled back

he gave me a peck on the cheek making my heart skip a beat


jungkook is now in the shower and i'm in the living room staring at the ceiling. i can't belie someone like jungkook exists. someone who  has a sweet and kind personality, the most gorgeous face of all time, and is super funny.

i heard someone walk in the living room and i looked up to see jungkook

" so how do i look? am i qualified to be a gucci model?" jungkook spun around and pretended like he was a model

'HA! funny your the face of gucci is what you are. anyways you wanna watch a movie?" i offered

" i'm pretty tired i think i'm going to go to bed. gotta get my beauty sleep for the date tomorrow" jungkook joked

"okay well goodnight then. i'll be in the last room if you need me"

" okay. goodnight to you too"

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