"We call it a dead pool." I say. "Recognise any of the names?"

"Yeah, the Sheriff had me run a bunch of these through the system last time." Parrish tells us. "We couldn't find any of them."

"Show him the other thing." Stiles says to Lydia.

Lydia hesitates before flipping the paper over, revealing his name in the printed writing.

"Okay, that's kind of terrifying." Parrish says, standing up. "What's the number?"

"That's how much you're worth." Lydia replies.

Parrish turns around. "I'm worth five dollars?"

"Five million." Stiles corrects, holding his hand up to show the number five.

"I only make 40,000 a year." Parrish states. "Maybe I should kill myself. I don't get it, why am I on this?"

"Honestly, that might be a question for another day." Stiles says. "There's still another third of the list we've got to crack."

"We need the third cipher key but we need help getting it." Lydia continues.

"From who?" Parrish questions.

"Meredith." Lydia replies.

"The last time you saw her, you almost have her a nervous breakdown." Parrish tells us.

The four of us wait for the door to be opened, the man trying different keys. A door creaks then Stiles and I turn to see another guy walking towards us, Brunski.

"Oh no, not this guy." Stiles mutters.

"What the hell are we running here?" Brunski asks, pushing past us. "Bed and breakfast? You do not just open the door for anyone with a badge."

"We need to talk to Meredith Walker." Parrish says. "It involves a murder investigation."

"Well, you can talk to her all you want but these three, especially that one, they're outta here." Brunski replies, glaring at Stiles.

"They're crucial witness in an ongoing investigation." Parrish states. "I wouldn't have brought them here if it wasn't absolutely.. crucial."

"Come back with a court order then I'll listen." Brunski says before turning to Stiles. "As for you, Mr Stilinski, how about you come back with payment in full. That's right, daddy may be the Sheriff but he's late on the bills. Those government jobs aren't as reliable as they used to be, huh?"

I step forwards. "Leave him alone."

"What are you going to do?" Brunski scoffs. "You're just a little girl that will run back mommy once I say one bad thing about you."

"Oh, you're looking for a punch to the face." I snap.

I go to step forwards but Stiles grabs me, pulling me into his body to stop me from actually punching the man.

"The government jobs do help when you need a favour." Parrish continues. "A month ago, Canaan P.D helped you get home after blowing a 0.1 on a breathalyser."

Brunski purses his lips. "Alright, I'm not against a little quid pro quo. Not at all."

The man shoves the keys into Stiles' hands before walking off, disappearing around the corner.

"You, I like you. I'm gonna keeps you." Stiles tells Parrish, shoving the keys in his hands before turning to me. "And you, just be glad I stopped you from punching him."

"He was disrespecting you and your dad, I had to say something!" I tell Stiles.

Stiles smiles, taking my hand and pulling me into the room where Meredith is sitting on the bed. Stiles, Lydia, and I sit down on the bed opposite while Parrish stands in the doorway, Lydia speaking to the girl.

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