he walks to jeongguk's house and rings on the doorbell.

someone opens up and he enters the apartment. "taehyung- what happened to you? eh- come in.", hoseok says and taehyung comes in and goes to the living room.

but there he sees a girl. and she's sitting very close to jeongguk, trying to flirt with him.

and taehyung doesn't know why or how to control it but he feels a little jealousy inside of him.

jeongguks eyes go wide when he sees taehyung. besides that he's completely bruised.

"taehyung." "leave now irene. it's enough." "who's that?", she asks and points at taehyung.

"none of your business.", taehyung snaps and she stares angrily into his eyes.

"i will come back. and then you will want me jeongguk." with that she leaves the apartment.

"who was that?", taehyung asks. "a bitch that wants gguk's dick.", yoongi says.

"taehyung what happened to you?", jeongguk stands up and goes closer to him.

"come with me.", he says and drags taehyung to the bathroom.

"did your dad do this?", he asks and taehyung nods. "why?" "i forgot my phone at home. couldn't tell them where i was."

jeongguk sighs. "sit down.", he says and taehyung sits down on the toilet but on his face you can see that he's in really bad pain.

"you're in pain.", jeongguk states. "lift your shirt.", he says and taehyungs eyes widen. "i-i don't want to.", he says. "just do it taehyung, or i will."

taehyung gulps before lifting his shirt up. jeongguk takes a sharp breath.

"that bastard.", he says and kneels down in front of taehyung. "take it off completely.", he says and taehyung gulps before doing so.

jeongguk softly touches the spots that look the worst. dark purple spots on his beautiful skin. "turn around.", he says and luckily there isn't anything on his back.

"i will kill that bastard.", jeongguk says angrily but taehyung holds his hand. "it's ok.", he says softly. "i deserve it."

"shut up taehyung! that's not true. everyone can forget their phone, he has no right to hurt you like that! come on, you're smarter than this.", he says and taehyung is just staring at him, looking like a puppy.

"god, don't look at me like that.", taehyung stops looking at him.

jeongguk knows that taehyung can't help but to think that way because he was probably raised like this.

he thinks that it's ok because he deserves it but that's total bullshit. he doesn't deserve any of this.

"are you tired?", he asks taehyung, but he shakes his head. "slept the whole day.", he replies and jeongguk nods.

"did you eat anything?", he asks and taehyung thinks for a second about it, before shaking his head again.

"okay.",he says. taehyung puts on his shirt and jeongguk helps him to stand up.


after jeongguk made sure that taehyung has eaten something, he called his friend so he could take care of taehyung's wounds.

1 hour passed and jeongguk's friend enters the apartment.

"omg!! it's you!", the boy says, talking to taehyung. it's the same boy from taehyung's school, who wanted to be friends with him.

"jin hyung, you know taehyung?" "yesss, i do. he's so cute literally the whole school is talking about him. i wanted to be friends with him but he didn't want to somehow."

"but- wait? who did that to you?", he goes to taehyung and pulls him closer to himself, so that he's far away from jeongguk. and even though only their legs touched, he already misses being close to jeongguk.

"come with me.", he says and drags him to the bathroom. jeongguk follows them.

"where does it hurt the most?" "my tummy.", taehyung says and it sounds so cute like seriously how can someone be this cute.

"naw baby, don't talk like that or i will bite you." taehyung blushes again.

taehyung has to take off his shirt again. in the middle of taehyung's belly there is a big dark purple spot.

"this hurts the most, right?", jin asks and taehyung whimpers in pain when jin touches it.

"jin, you hurt him.", jeongguk says. "shut up jeongguk, i know what i'm doing."

"are you okay?", jeongguk asks taehyung and he nods, smiling weakly.

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