Chapter two

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spencer couldn't tear his eyes away from the stumbling thing outside. there was just no other word for what exactly he was seeing. the man shouldn't have been able to walk, let alone still appear alive. the mans jaw was almost completely visible through his cheek, his abdomen was bloody, his insides visible even from where spencer sat at the back of the diner. and his legs... well, they where the most gruesome part, from the knees down all of the flesh was gone, bits where even missing of the muscle underneath. by all accounts, in all ways, that man should not have been walking, he shouldn't have even been alive! but it seems like the world was playing a cruel joke on spencer's overly analytical mind. the whole diner seemed to be unable to take there eyes away from the terrifyingly unnatural scene. they continued to stare, even as the broadcasts kept blaring, this was a national emergency? things just weren't clicking in spencer's mind, he was missing vital information and it was making him reel as he continued watching alongside the other diners with wide, terrified eyes.

the thing stumbled across the street, out of the murkiness of the forest and into the now beaming light. it was surreal. one normally imagines things like this happening at night, imagines the darkness as being a cloak of mystery to the horrors you could face but that wasn't the case. the broad day light seemed to accentuate the horror, the reality of what they where all witnessing. it continued to move forward, slowly walking across the street. paying no attention to the cars that had to violently swerve to dodge it. it seemed its eyes where trained on a group of men outside. a group of men that just so happened to involve daryls brother. spencer's heart sunk in his chest and he tore his eyes away to look at him. the older man didn't seem to believe it either.

how do they proceed from here? what do they do? this was an entirely new situation. spencer looked back to the group in front of the small restaurant and gasped. the second he glanced back the thing lunged forward with frightening speed, burying its gnashing teeth into the side of one of the guys throats, blood sprayed against the glass as he screamed in agony. merle was one of the first to run. one of the first to make it to his vehicle. it was like the sight of him running flipped a switch in everyone's minds. suddenly, stools where clattering to the floor, coffee cups where being knocked over and the thundering sound of footsteps echoed across the aged linoleum as they patrons sprinted out the doors, past the monster and to their cars.

spencer's eyes quickly picked out his team members from the crowd as they tried valiantly to calm the situation and bring at least some sense of order. once and agent always an agent, he supposed. Daryl was quick to stand too, his rough hand closing around spencer's elbow as he pulled the younger man up with him. the two of them rushed to the door, spencer's teammates following after closely as they flew out the entrance and past the still feasting monster. spencer wished his brain would just turn off, he wished he could block out the sounds of screaming and the sight of bloodied flesh. but it was no use, his mind was forced into a violent haze as he blindly followed Daryl, who still had a tight grip on his arm. that grip was a lifeline for him, something solid and tangible he could cling to.

he followed swiftly to the dingy old truck outside, a truck which now looked almost heavenly. he and Daryl rounded the side and threw the door open, only to freeze when they locked eyes with another being standing at the tail of the truck. it was like the very air froze between them. daryls grip tightened on spencer's arm, neither man wanting to move even a single muscle as they watched the monster in front of them move. she was limping closer slowly, as if not aware of them yet. her head hung downward at an awkward angle, making the young genius assume it was likely broken completely. he felt sick, and could only close his eyes when the being all but lunged forward.

Daryl was the first to snap out of it then. in a swift motion the man shoved spencer aside into the truck and used the leverage of the movement to swing his leg out and kick the rotting woman squarely in the chest before following spencer in shortly after and slamming the door shut. just barely latching it in time to avoid the woman's snarling teeth. the two breathed a sigh of relief and slumped against the seat, even as they where tangled awkwardly across the seats. Daryl moved carefully and pulled himself into the drivers seat, not wanting to stay there for even a second longer as the thing continued slamming its fists against the window. they pulled out of the parking lot, the tires squealing against the cracked pavement as they turned sharply, avoiding hitting anyone as they rushed to make it onto the highway.

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