chapter 22

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It was late, and the rest of his team still haven't made it back to the highway yet. Spencer couldnt sleep so he was outside on top of the RV. Daryl was inside trying to sleep. He couldn't seem to find it though. So he too stepped outside and climbed up the ladder to the roof. ''Couldn't sleep?'' Spencer asked him. ''nah.'' the man answered simply. Spencer nodded from his position on the chair. ''Why you up here?'' Daryl asked him as he sat down at the edge of the roof. Spencer shrugged his shoulder. ''I dunno. My brain just doesnt stop sometimes.'' He replied, shrugging his shoulders awkwardly. Daryl glanced around at him. ''You get that problem alot?'' He asked. Spencer shrugged his shoulders and wrapped his arms around himself.

''It only happens when I dont know things.'' Spencer told the hunter. Daryl hummed in acknoledgment. ''They should be back right now, but they're not.'' Spencer said. Daryl could tell he wanted to keep talking, he was pickng at his fingers with anxiety. Daryl looked away for a moment. ''You wanna get Dale up here so we can go on a walk?'' He asked the frazzled geniuse. ''Wouldn't that be dangerous?'' Spencer asked him. ''What isnt dangerous these days?'' Daryl asked. Spencer nodded slowly as he accepted the truth for what it was.The young man grabbed his flashlight and a gun. Daryl already had his bow. Then the two climbed to the street below.

Daryl opened the door to the RV and quickly filled Dale in on what the two where going to do. Dale looked at the two for a moment and nodded his head, giving them a reprimanding sigh. The two looked at eachother and Daryl gave the man a pat on the shoulder. ''We aint gon' go far.'' He said. Dale nodded as he climbed up the ladder, and soon the two walked down the edge of the highway.

The walk was silent for a while. The two men had alot on their minds. one question was killing spencer though. ''Daryl?'' He asked hesitantly. ''Yeah?'' The man whispered back. ''Back at the CDC, did you mean to kiss me?'' Spencer asked. Daryl paused. ''Yeah, I kissed you. What about it?'' The man asked. Spencer paused for a second. ''Never mind.''He replied quickly. Daryl turned around. ''It aint nothin' I can tell ya got questions.'' He said to the boy. ''You not like it?'' He asked gruffly.

''No! thats not it!'' Spencer said panickdly. ''I just wanted to know, if you feel anything?'' Spencer asked, a heavy blush hitting his checks. Daryl took a minute to think. ''Dont know. I like you more than I like most people. and I like ya differently than I like a one night stand. dont know if its none of that love shit. but i like you. alot.'' Daryl replied. Spencer smiled a little. ''I like you alot too.'' Spencer replied. Daryl smirked at him a little.

''Ya know, I really do think we're gonna find Sophia.'' daryl stated. ''And why would that be?'' Spencer asked. Not as much questioning his drive but questioning his reason. ''She got people looking out for her, when I was a youngin I got lost in the woods for nine days. Didnt have no one looking for me. I came back alright, Sophia's a tough little girl, she'll be fine.'' He said. Spencer smiled a little. ''How'd you survive?'' He asked the man. ''Ate some berries and wiped my ass with poison oak.'' He said to the genuis. Spencer gave the man a shocked snort. Daryl glared at him a little. ''Sorry totally not funny...'' he said to the man. Then promptly broke down into some laughter. Daryl joining in after a few seconds.

The two stared at eachother a while longer and soon Daryl was leaning in for a kiss. Spencer froze for a second before he leaned in aswell. He put his hand on Daryls broad shoulder and their lips where so close to touching, but Spencer then saw something. ''Daryl.'' He stated quietly. The man pulled back slightly and glanced over his shoulder to where Spencer was looking. There was a walker sat at the edge of the tree with a serated knife in its head. Spencer knelt down and asked for Daryls knife. Daryl gave it to him and watch as the man carefully pried open the walkers mouth, and pulled out a small chunk of fresh flesh. That wasnt what the two where paying attention too though. Mixed with the flesh was a peace of light blue fabric.

''Wasn't Sophia wearing a blue shirt when she got chased off?'' Daryl asked. His voice was shaking. Spencer took a steadying breath. ''Yes. this bite is probably only a few hours old. Meaning we probably just passed her at the shed. she not far from here, and she might not be dead yet.'' Spencer replied. Daryl wiped his face and started looking for tracks. The two followed a trail of blood. Spencer nearly dropped his flash light in shock. The two men stared down at the small arm laying at the base of the tree. it was cut hazardly and had a large bite wound. Next to it lay a large machete that Spencer instantly recognized. The young man grabbed Daryl by the shoulder and practacally ran off. The hunter followed closely behind. ''What we doin spencer?'' He yelled, pushing through the bushes just behind the younger man. Spencer didnt have the time to exlain. ''We need to get back to the RV now!'' He said back. Daryl needed no further explanation. The urgency in Spencer's voice was enough to drive him forward.

The two men quickly broke through the trees. Daryl was sprinting next to Spencer and could make out the sillouette of three people in the distance. They where definately carrying Sophia. With record speeds the two men made it to the RV and Spencer immediatly ran to help give Sophia medical aid. She was laying on the ground half dead, morgan standing over her trying his best to keep the belt around her stump tight. There was still too much blood. Emily was rushing to the RV trying to find anything they could use to stop the bleeding. They had a limited amount of time. Spencer needed to get this girl to the farm where they where operating on Carl. Glenn and Dale where just trying their best to keep Carol calm. ''Daryl start the truck. We need to move her now!'' Spencer called out.

Daryl was already opening the door. ''Emily put the towels in the truck. Glenn I need to to help Morgan lift her up. Emily, hold the tournacit.'' Spencer called out. Everyone got into position. Sophia was still losing too much blood so Spencer did the only thing he could think of. He ran to the RV and poured as many cleaning supplies over his hands as he could then he sprinted back out and carefully examined her stump. ''Ok sweetie, I dont know if you can hear me but I need you to know this is going to hurt. Try to stay still ok sweetie?'' He said gently then he reached into the wound and pinched the exposed artery.

Sophia gave a small cry but promptly went silent. Carols sobs got louder. ''Ok we lift her on three. One, two, three.'' Spencer said. The two men lifted her gently and rushed to the truck. Emily already had both of the doors open. Morgan climbed in backwards and spencer crawled in on the floor next to her. He kept that artery pinched firmly the whole time. The majority of the front seat was scooted forward and folded to give them as much room as possible. ''Emily, stay with me incase we need CPR, you two go with dale and carol in the RV. Carol.'' Spencer called out. The woman gave the doctor a heart broken look. ''I know this is alot but I need you to try and stay calm. Whats Sophia's blood type?'' Spencer asked slowly.

Carol shook herself awake. ''Its B positive.'' carol replied, "I'm not a match." She added on. Spencer nodded. At least both he and Morgan could donate blood. He gave the woman a nod and soon the door closed and they could finally drive away to the farm. ''Hang on kiddo, just a little longer.'' Spencer pleaded.

Fight for each other (daryl Dixon x Spencer Reid)Where stories live. Discover now