Get Out

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AN: This is the last of the flashback chapters. It'll be a short one, but any chapters after this will be present tense. Enjoy :)


Monroe's pov

I can't believe him. After the events in Monaco, he still wants to throw a party? I know the circumstances, it's hard not to read his mind when I overheard him talking about his limited lifespan to Jarvis some time ago. But he has to know, even then, he should lay low after everything that had just happened. To top it off, he's wearing the suit. He's out of his mind. I grew overwhelmed and started heading out. I can only protect him from so much.

"Hey Montez," Rhodey called.

"I'm- I'm gonna get some air."

"What's wrong?"

I lead Rhodey to the sight of an irresponsible drunk Tony dancing around in what the world considers a weapon.

"I don't know what to do..."

"You've got to be kidding me. That's it, I'm making-"

"No no no- don't call anyone." As much as he thinks he does, Rhodes doesn't know what he's dealing with.

"This is ridiculous. I just stuck my neck out for this guy."

"I know. I know. I get it. I'm gonna handle it, okay? Just let me handle it."

"Handle it. Or I'm gonna have to."

I walked toward the billionaire in a metal suit and took the microphone out from his hands as soon as I found an opportunity.

"Does this guy know how to throw a party or what?" I acted out some laughter to hide the tension from the crowd. "Tony, we all thank you so much for such a wonderful night and we're gonna say goodnight now. Thank you all for coming."

The crowd groaned, but before anyone could leave, Tony went on about more things needing to be done before the party ended.

"You're out of control, okay? Trust me on this one."

"You're out of control, gorgeous." He whispered. Face inches from mine, enough to get a whiff of alcohol.

"It's time to go to bed."

"Give me another smooch."

"You're not going to be happy about this."

"Come on, you know you want to."

"You just peed the suit."

"I know it has a filtration system. You could drink that water."

"It's not sexy. Just send everybody home, okay?"

"If you say so."


I switched his bottle for the microphone in hopes he'd do just as I asked.

"She's right. The party is over. The after-party starts in fifteen minutes. And if anybody, Montez, doesn't like it, there's the door."

Tony raised his repulsor toward now shattering glass. My mouth agape, I looked to Rhodey. Unimpressed. Some lady threw up her bottle as it also shattered from Stark's blast. My hand twitched quickly as the glass above the crowd dropped in a clear area to prevent any injury. This happened for a while until I realized Rhodey was gone. I quickly found a quiet space to be alone and scanned any nearby thoughts for Rhodey's. Found him. If this is the only way, so be it...

"I'm only gonna say this once." Rhodey stood behind the crowd that was now staring at his form. He had taken one of Tony's suits to intimidate and persuade everyone into leaving. "Get out."

The mask shut and the crowd ran. Meanwhile, I looked all around for Natasha. Most people had left, but many gathered up just outside the very room the party was held in.

"Nat!" I whisper yelled.

"We have to go. Fury just contacted me."

"Did he find it?"

"I assume he did, but it's not just that."

"What is it..."

Before she could reply, two suits of armor came crashing down from the ceiling. Happy almost came to 'rescue' me, but I quickly pushed his thoughts out. Made sure he kept himself safe. Nat and I ran out as the two men fought.

Here we go again...

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