1. A Past Interaction

Start from the beginning

"If you manage to win, I'll answer your questions"

"Deal" Dazai agrees, your hand pulling his wrist downwards so the slots begin to roll.

Feeling his pulse, you smile to yourself as you begin to attempt to increase his heart rate for the simple intention of trying to show him a better time at the casino, but you step back away from him in confusion when nothing happens.

Why didn't he react...?

The sound of the slot machine intrudes your thoughts, and you wait until the flashing of colours slows down, the coloured light illuminating Dazai's face of disappointment when he didn't win, you on the other hand sighing with relief.

"Are you an ability user?" You immediately ask Dazai, your expression now guarded, your arms crossed accusingly.

Dazai's disappointment then turns into an over exaggerated joy, a grin on his face.

He may be faking most expressions on his face...but at least now he's being more genuine...or so his heart beat tells me.

"You figured it out! Ah, I knew you were special [f/n]. Also...although I lost, you gave me some information anyways" he starts, standing up from the machine and leaning in to you with smugness written all over his face.

"You do have an ability, and it has something to do with other's hearts. That's why you were feeling my pulse, wasn't it?"

Colour drains from your face in embarrassment and disbelief. Never had someone been so quick to guess your ability, and never had it not worked on anyone before.

Who is Dazai really?

"Why do you look so shocked? Even being so high up...did I take your breath away?" Dazai chuckles, and you push him away in response trying to hide your blushing.

"I could get you kicked out of here right now"

"Do it, this is nothing but a way to waste my money and time for a while"

You don't care about that at all...

"Fine then"

You turn to walk away, not really searching for the manager to kick Dazai out, but to test these limits of indifference he seems to have. Only true sociopaths feel nothing towards anything, and you had a feeling Dazai wasn't one, just someone with thick walls around his heart, possibly caused by grief or mental pain.

Why did you approach me, Dazai?

As you expected, while walking away you feel a strong grip around your wrist, and when you turn you see Dazai pulling you back with a hungry interest.

"Come on, [f/n]! Don't be like that!"

I think you're bored, and I'm your newest puzzle.

But I'm sorry, Dazai. I've already given my loyalty to the casino, and the more you know about me, the easier it may be to see through these illusions placed all around us.

"Dazai, I may be an ability user, but I myself, do not feel like being used today"


Walking through the busy casino, every sound felt heightened as your mind raced after the encounter with Dazai.

There are such odd people in this world...and so many end up here.

You walk out of the actual casino area and into the long bright halls of the hotel area, muttering to yourself, trying to ignore all the guests' hearts you could hear as you walked by.

So unbelievably annoying sometimes-

"Ow!" You yelp, your whole body colliding into another's as you turn the corner.

Already slightly disoriented, you look up at the stranger in annoyance, but you feel your heart drop and your sour expression get wiped away as soon as you take a good look at who it was.

"Sigma-I'm so sorry, I was just heading back to my room" you explain, straightening out your uniform and stepping away from Sky Casino's manager.

Sigma's long, straight, two-coloured hair reaching his waist flows behind him, a serious expression on his soft face framed by portions of his hair which appears to be in loose spikes, parted down the middle. Earrings dangle elegantly from both of his ears, his outfit consisting of a long white coat with a sparkling interior and black pants.

"[f/n], don't worry about it. I was actually about to go find you...there's people that want to meet you"

Worried at first that it was about your winning streak while dealing games, the way Sigma spoke didn't betray any anger or nerves at all, but his heart racing told you otherwise, and suddenly you were nervous yourself.

Whoever they are, they make Sigma uneasy...or maybe it's me he's sympathizing with.

You didn't know it at that time, but that day was the first time you got involved with the Decay of Angels.

Bad Kind of Butterflies ♧ DazaiXReaderXDOAWhere stories live. Discover now