He exhales, his eyes hardening. "Alright. If you're sure. I'd like to know if you notice any other changes in your grandmother, is that clear?"

"Yes." I snap.

Smoothly, Crane changes gears. "Well then. I'm sure you're wondering how the new edict will affect you."

It's all I can do not to roll my eyes. "Oh, I'm sure you have a plan for me, whether you're willing to tell me about it or not."

He nods once, a faint wicked gleam in his eye revealing the pleasure he takes in shaping my life as he sees fit. "As a matter of fact, I do. You're still my daughter, even if you are no longer the future chief, and as such you are still very much in the public eye. Because of this, the people will be looking to you to set the tone for this new edict. I would like that tone to be one of acceptance, even joy."

Now I actually do roll my eyes. "So what, you'll force me to pair off and be all simpering and happy about it?"

Crane just stares at me. "I think we both know that would be impossible." You got that right. "But perhaps there's a way we can reach a compromise."

I arch my brow and give my father a quizzical look. "What could you possibly offer that would make me want to help you? You know I think this is sick, right? I know what doubling the pairing quota means."

At this, Crane's upper lip curls into a smirk. "I would have thought that would be obvious, Elia."

I huff. "Sorry, I guess I'm not that bright."

"Indeed," he says evenly, and it stings despite our nonexistent relationship. "Our community has grown up knowing you. Being able to share your happiness would go a long way to settling any...discord. So here's my proposition. The pairing ceremonies happen in four week's time. In two week's time, we'll announce your chosen partner, and you in turn will behave yourself and share your joyous occasion with the people in a public pairing ceremony."

I'm left staring. "What?"

Crane sighs, impatient. "Of course, you'll have to give me the name of your partner beforehand, so we can spread the news and garner a positive reaction, otherwise it won't be as effective."

My eyes widen. "I thought you said this was a compromise?"

He clasps his hands together. "To a point. I will get what I want from you either way Elia. If you don't choose your own partner within two weeks, I'll pair you off anyway, albeit in a private ceremony instead of a public one. Like it or not, you will be the point around which support is gathered for this edict. It's up to you whether you want to take advantage of the situation or not."

"Take advantage? You're still forcing me to partner with someone for life," I snort, instantly furious. "I'm seventeen. I wasn't even supposed to be allowed to pair off for another three years! All you're doing is destroying my future in every way possible."

Crane tilts his head, looking mildly amused at my outburst. "You could look at it like that if you want. I certainly can't change the way you think, as you proved at your choosing. Or you could look at it another way."

"And what way is that?" I hiss, breathing hard.

"You could look at it as an opportunity," he states matter of factly.

A buzzing noise has been growing in my ears during this whole conversation, and my head is spinning. "An opportunity." I say flatly.

"Yes," he says. "What I'm offering you is a choice."

- - - - -

I stumble into the ruins later that night. The rest of my day passed by in a blur. I've been given an ultimatum, ready or not. Choose or have someone be chosen for me. Either way it feels like my future has been taken away.

West is waiting for me in his hideout. We didn't have plans to meet tonight, but he must have known I'd come here. "How did your meeting with Crane go?" He asks, opening his arms.

I crawl gratefully into his embrace and lay my head on his shoulder. "I don't even know. Unexpected? Not good."

He rubs my back comfortingly. "What was it about?"

I tense up. There's no way I can tell him that I'm supposed to be choosing a partner, that I'll be paired off in a month no matter what. "Just...the obligations of being the chief's daughter."

He sighs, pulling me closer. "Okay."

I can tell West wants details, but at least he seems to respect that I can't give them. My mind is heavy with the idea of choosing someone to pair with for life. If things were allowed to continue on their natural course, I may have ended up paired with West. It's not uncommon to stay with your first significant other for the long haul. It's not like we have that many options. But we've only been together a short while, and we still don't know that much about each other. What if we paired off only to have our feelings fade away once the newness wears off? I can't imagine being like the crying bride, stuck with someone I don't love for the rest of my life. I don't even know if I love West. I like him a lot but love? It's just too soon.

But he's the only possible choice I think I could make right now. As close as I am with Jay, I know I can never feel for him the way he does for me, and it's not fair to take away his possibility for real love. At my feelings for West are mutual. For now.

I make a decision. I have two weeks to give my father a name, and I intend to take that full amount of time to try to make sure West could be that name. I know I'll have to share what's happening with him first as well, since I don't want to take away his freedom to choose his own future. He would have to agree for me to move forward with this.

Plus, I can't bring myself to ask him. Not yet.

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