afternoon with Lydia

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Stiles Point Of View

It's almost time and the nerves are getting stronger. I've sprayed deodorant on for more than 4 times and I think I might stink. The bell rings and I'm walking towards my car. In all of a sudden I hear the sound of heels behind my back. I turn around and see Lydia standing in front of me. "Hi Stiles! Are you excited? I've planned a movie night at my house, is that okay?" Movie night, at her house, of course that is okay! "Yes sure, that'll be fun!" We get in my car and drive to her house. "Yes, it's here." Lydia says. We get out of the car and find our way to her room. No one is home, just us. Hm, just us...

"Stiles, would you like some, wine?" She asks me with a grin on her face. Uh, yeah, sure, I mean, alright." I don't know why but I feel very nervous. She pours the wine in two glasses and gets us some food. As we sit on her bed, I can sense Lydia feels nervous, too. "So, Lydia, tell me something more about you." I ask her. "More? So you already know a lot about me?" Before I could anwser that, she kept on talking. "Well, I love to draw, even tho I might not be very good at it, I love reading, what most people wouldn't think of me when they see me. Everyone always thinks I'm some sort of toy. They treat me like I have no emotions and when a guy wants to kiss me, they feel like they can just do it because 'it's Lydia, she kisses everyone, right?' and I'm getting tired of it... I have feelings too, you know." Lydia looks at me. I can't help it but I keep staring at her eyes. They're so big and the colour is gorgeous. "Oh Lydia.. I didn't know this. To be honest, I've always thought you were the smartest girl ever. You know what you want and you really go for it. I think I like that the most about you." Wait, did I really say that? "Oh, this is the sweetest thing someone has ever told me before." She looks at me. What do I do? Should I kiss her? Or is that too soon? This is a good moment, tho. I should just go for it. I slowly move my head towards hers, she moves hers towards mine. I lift her up from the bed, and here we stand. I put my hand on her waist and my other hand in her hair. Our lips lock. I start kissing her slowly. As soon as I feel her speeding up a bit, I pull her closer to me. I kiss her neck and lift her on the bed. "Stiles, I've been wanting this to happen for a long, long time." I kiss her again. It feels so good, it feels real. "You're so beautiful, Lydia. I can't stop staring at you." Lydia kisses my neck. I've never felt anything this good before.

This can contain a part that might be very hot, so beware ;)

Lydia gets of the bed and gets something out of her bathroom. At first I couldn't see what it was, but then I saw a condom package. A condom, shit, I've never done it before. I think I should just tell her. "Um, Lydia? I need to tell you something. I don't want to ruin this moment, but I.. I've never, you know, done it before." It's quite for a little moment and then she says: "Well, if you're ready for it, just let me know, alright?" She smiles and kisses me again. Oh god, I'm so ready.

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