first day of school

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Stiles Point Of View

"Dad? Where are my nikes?" Today is the first day of school and I'm totally unprepared, which is rare since I'm actually always prepared, for anything. Anyways, my dad replied: "Son, how do I know where you put your shoes?" "That's true, sorry dad." After a few minutes of searching, I finally found them. Time to pick up Scott.

"Heyyyyy Stiles! Nervous for the first day of school?" I was happy to see Scott because he's my best friend since we were little kids. "Hey bro! Well I am, actually. Lydia will be here too today and I'm going to give it a go." I said. I have had a crush on her since the 3rd grade and I feel like we have something special, even tho she doesn't show it, at all. "Stiles look, there she is." Ok, ok Stiles, act normal, just say hey Lydia, that isn't so hard right? "Beautiful looking Lydia today!" Wait, what did I just say? "Oh god Scott, I messed up. I totally messed up. Now she thinks I'm a total loser." "No Stiles, just relax okay, next time you see her, just say hi."

The first classes are over and now we have lunch break. Lydia is sitting over there and she seems to look at me. "Scott, is she staring at us?" "Uhh, yeah she is! Let's go talk to her." Oh god, okay Stiles, DON'T mess this up. "Hey Lydia! How are you?" I ask her? "Hi, Stiles right? I'm good! Come, take a seat." I look at Scott and he smiles at me. We sit down. "How was your vacation?" Lydia asks me. I'm kinda surprised she shows interest in me because she completely ignored me the past 10 years. "It was okay, you know, just chilling, nothing really special. What about you?" I ask her as cool as I can. "Mine was great, I went to Italy and had loads of time to set my mind free and create a new me." Gosh, I almost forgot to listen to what she was telling me but I was kinda looking at her beautiful face. The bell rings and it's time to go to class again. "Um, Stiles?" Lydia says. "Yes, Lydia?" I say. "Do you maybe wanna, um, hang out after school?" She asks me. "Uhh yeah!! I mean, yes sure, I'll wait in my car. See you then." All I can do is smile, as I walk away. "Scott, she finally noticed me." "I know, Stiles. I'm so happy for you, enjoy your time with her."

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