Chapter 0

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Even though it had been a week since his rescue, Feliciano still didn't trust the people around him. They could all leave him any second, and he'd be right back where he started. Alone, constantly being shoved and pushed around.

He just didn't understand. Why couldn't he trust them? They seemed so nice, and didn't want to hurt him at all. But no matter how much he tried, no matter how nice they would be, he refused to believe a word they said.

Currently he was moping in his room, staring out the window. Outside were the bustling streets of Venice. Stalls full of goods, gondolas, people with white topped umbrellas.

It was truly a sight to behold. Sometimes, Feli wondered if he'd ever feel the same. His brothers had grown much taller than he was, making him feel like a snail trying to race a cheetah.

Feliciano stood up and went downstairs to get a nice warm drink. Even after all this time, Venice was still freezing in the winter... He got distracted by the stove, with all its nobs and buttons, he felt so out of place in this house. A family heirloom no one wanted, an extra piece to a puzzle already completed.

"Oi, what's wrong big brother?" Sebastian, better known as Seborga showed up. It was a weird sight. A teenager calling a 5 year old big brother.

"Nothing, it's just happening again..." Feliciano felt dismay taking him over, wanting to just disappear.

This scene had happened many times recently. Feliciano would have small freakouts over how off he felt, and his brothers would comfort him.

"Alright, come here. How about we make a pillow fort and eat some tiramisu Veneciano made earlier?" Sebastian suggested and smiled when his older brother's eyes widen art the mention of the Sweet treat.

"...Yes please."

Soon enough, Veneciano returned to see his two little brothers snuggled up in blankets and pillows, watching movies and eating the tiramisu he made. Taking out his phone, he quietly took a pic before going to join them.

"You need to learn to take it easy, just relax bastardo." Veneciano turned on a good happy movie for the three of them, keeping his younger brothers close. The time when the three of them were forcibly separated way back when, had made them cling to each other.

"I know, it's just, I've been gone for centuries. I feel like I'm in the wrong time period..." Feliciano warmly accepted the hug,

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