A Date ( END )

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"Pfft! Is that really what happened?" Russia laughed at America, the iced coffee almost exploding out his mouth. America furrowed his eyes in embarrassment, "It's not like they forgot me..."

Russia looked at America, a smirk planted straight on his face. "Oh? So your parents left you at home, and then you came over to me, only to get home and see them crying? Sounds like forgot to me."

America laughed softly, almost offended. Russia seemed to notice America's change in attitude. "I'm sure they didn't mean to." America kept his eyes on his drink, trying to not make eye contact. "Yeah..."

Russia frowned. He didn't like America's sad vibes.

Leaning forward and out of his seat, Russia pecked America's cheek. He sat down quickly, hoping not to miss America's large blush.

"Y-you! Kissed me?" America looked flustered and patted the spot Russia had kissed. Blush seeped deeper into America's face and he felt unable to speak.

Russia snickered and smiled, "Aw. You're so cute. Want me to kiss you some more?" Russia pointed to his lips, "Right here?" This time America almost turned as red as his stripes and choked on air. Russia bursted out laughing and looked affectionately at America.


Russia and America walked silently down the dark streets. The darkness stretched past the towers, and lights shone brightly in different sections of the road.

Russia always kept his eyes forward, but America couldn't help it and always went to glance at Russia. Everytime he blushed, he'd feel his heart soar and the cold air rush away.

As America's eyes turned over to glance at Russia one last time, both America and Russia eyes met. America kept eye contact and Russia smiled, slowly looking away. America blushed gently and cupped his hand over his mouth.

They were almost at a turn before Russia stopped. A breeze lifted the ends of his ushanka in the air. America had also stopped, confused by Russia's sudden actions.


A sniffle came from Russia and America could only see his back at this point. America's eyes grew wide as if an owl's. The breeze grew more intense and the moon climbed downwards in the city buildings.

The sections they seemed to be in was dark. No poles of light seemed to shine down above and no windows looked illuminated. Cold, shivers of horror rippled down America's body. He didn't want to be here any longer than he had to.


America stared at the plastic cup that had slipped from Russia's hand. The cold coffee spilled out and darkened the parts of the streets it touched.

Looking closer, America noticed how Russia was clenching his fists tightly. Veins were visible from Russia's neck and he was breathing heavily.

"Ame..." Russia turned around. The ends of his ushanka we're still flying in the air, his body seemed relaxed and his breathing lowered to normal. The only thing different from him, was his eyes. Deep, black tear stains ruffled down from his eyes. It looked like he hadn't slept for days. Light red pierced the sides of his eyes and veins propped out of place.

Russia stared at America. Even more chills drowned down America's throat. He stepped back and looked in terror at Russia.

Suddenly, small droplets of tears began forming in Russia's eyes. They slipped down his cheek and landed faintly on the black street. Russia sniffled and cupped his whole face with his hands.

America stared at Russia, surprised from the sudden change. He knew he had to comfort Russia...but...something just didn't feel right.

America didn't move an inch, his instincts took over, not letting him go anywhere.

Russia paused his crying. He looked up at America, seeming worse than before. "Ame." A long silence passed between the two of them, not even the breeze came through them. "Do...do you really love me?"

America didn't move. His face stayed in the same fear it had before. He couldn't help it anymore. His feet rushed forward, almost tripping in the process. America's arms flung out and he wrapped them around Russia whole body. "What are you talking about? Of course I love you!"

Russia stayed silent and America stayed in the same hugging position.

Only after a while did Russia move. His arm flew down down to his coat pocket. Something ruffled and shook. America knew that sound, he knew it very well. His father always took him hunting. The sound was one of a pistol.

But no fear seemed to flow down America this time. He stayed hugging Russia. He knew he loved him.

And he had to prove it.

! Read the prologue please !

It'll make more sense if you want a happier ending, this ending is a little dark for people who like that kinda stuff. But I promise, the prologue will be less dark!

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