-> chapter one

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(I'm actually so excited to write this even if it won't get much attention)

(I'm actually so excited to write this even if it won't get much attention)

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"He stared at her for hours. She made him feel creative"

Ignoring the harsh cries of the man that resided down in the basement underneath the gas station, Bo Sinclair trudged through the abandoned town angrily. His idiot of a brother was supposed to be here to take the slobbering victim to his cellar in order to make him his latest wax figure. Bo's brother had always created those things. It was to make their momma proud of them.

It started out innocently when they were young children. Their mother, Trudy, would teach them each how to create what she did for years. Bo was never interested in doing it though as he claimed it was boring. His twin brother Vincent though...he picked up on what Trudy Sinclair would do and as she lay on her deathbed, he promised to make her proud.

Eventually though, Vincent's creations became less creative because he had just run out of inspiration. After the town became abandoned and a married old couple mistakenly entered the small wreckage of a town, Vincent suddenly got inspiration. The two had worked together to kill the couple before the wax maker turned them into figures and set them up around town. It was as if no one ever left.

It didn't stop there though. This became an event that happened every time new people accidentally ended up in their town. Sometimes they would even block the roads so that they'd get more figures to come through. Bo didn't always see eye to eye with his brother but he secretly liked to see him happy. These creations are what seemed to trigger that feeling.

"Fucking no good freak...!" This was a moment however where Bo Sinclair was extremely angry with his brother as he bursted open the doors to the house of wax. Forcing his way down to his brother's hidden cellar, he marched right up to him and yanked his collar back.

"The hell's the matter with you doofus?" Bo snapped angrily as he roughly smacked his brother across the back of his head. Vincent grunted at the feeling and turned around to send a sharp glare to his twin from underneath the wax mask he was wearing. The reason for it being that the two were born as siamese twins but were able to be separated. Because of this, Vincent Sinclair had a permanent scar.

Bo leaned against the wax wall and watched as his brother gently apply wax to his latest figure. His eyes shifted over to the corner where that godawful female figure was standing. Bo despised that thing but Vincent loved it for some reason as he always kept it with him and stared at it on occasion.

"I can't believe you kept that thing, it's fucking ugly" He complained but was unable to see his brother's angry glare. With that, Bo stepped out of the cellar and went back to the victim. Vincent waited until he was gone before he wandered over to the figure and reached his hand out, stroking the wax female's cheek.

She was so special to him and he'd never let her go. He made a soft noise of content as he leaned forward and gently kissed at her forehead. She wouldn't be able to respond back to his affectionate gestures but he still made sure he showed it to her everyday. His brother didn't like her but Vincent thought she was perfect.

With a sigh, the masked man exited his cellar and prepared to go capture the last victim. The fingers on the female wax figure moved slightly.

WAX FIGURES -> vincent sinclair (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now