"Well my mom calls me Boo but that doesn't count." River grimaced she didn't like it when her mom called her that, it ran over her dignity with what felt like a monster truck especially when she yelled it out the door when River was leaving.

"Boo, huh?" Darius had a stupid grin on his face and River giggled again. "I kinda like it maybe I could call you that too." River shook her head even though she knew she had a stupid smile on her face.

"Oh no you’re not supposed to even be talking to me," River suddenly realized that she was still in his lap resting against his chest. "Much less have me laying on you."

River twisted and went to get up but Darius wrapped his arms around her waist and held her to him.

"Your fine," he mumbled into her ear. "And why are you so dead set on running away?"

"I-," River just looked at the ground and shrugged her shoulders.

"That's not an answer." He growled and it tickled her neck. She jerked away from him but he held tight.

She resettled on him because she gave up fighting him when he was probably ten times as strong as her he could probably snap her in half with just one arm maybe even his pinkie.

He was just so much bigger than her.

The arms wrapped around her waist were so beefy that stacked together, they could rested on her thighs and still managed to have her breast resting on them which were become surprisingly heavy.

River shifted again getting uncomfortable because there was still more than an hour of lunch left and Darius wasn't letting her go anytime soon.

River heard the soft groan at the same time she felt the hard object poke her ass.

She froze.

She wanted to believe it was a pencil but it was way too big to be a pencil.

"Please tell me that's your phone." Too big to be his phone she knew that but there was a thin hope. Maybe he just had a really big-

"Can't." He said and his forehead rested on River's shoulder. "That would be lying." River held as still as she could.

"Your iPod?"




"How about a really big pencil?" He chuckled

"No but thanks for the compliment."

"Pen?" she whispered. Never in her life had she given a guy an erection she couldn't be starting now.

"Not that either Riv." He lifted his head and ran his lips over her neck. "How bout I give you a hint?" His hot breath was running over her neck. "It's got nothing to do with school, or electronics." River really wanted to move to make sure it was what she wanted it to be and not what she thought it was. "Do you need help?" River almost shook her head.

She realized she was panting as he was centering on an extremely ticklish spot on her neck. It was becoming increasingly difficult for River to hold still.

She gasped when he gently sucked on her neck.

"Dar..." she couldn't finish his name; he was nibbling on her neck his sharp teeth raking her neck. River couldn't stand it anymore she arched her spine and moaned.

"Riv you made my dick hard." River gasped at his vulgar language. She tried again to get off of Darius but he held her tight. "I like it when you move like that." He whispered against her ear. "You run your delicious ass against me." River blushed a deep red.

Suddenly she was getting turned around. Her thigh spread naturally when he pulled her down on him. She gasped when he grabbed her ass in one hand and the hair at the base of her neck in the other.

"Darius!" She cried out when he pulled on her hair. It wasn't a cry of pain. That one pull seemed to send tingling sensation through River's body and settling in her stomach.

A fire ignited by Darius’s lips running over her neck. "Darius please." River wasn't sure what she wanted but she knew she wanted it bad. Darius pulled away from her neck and moved her head so he could look in her eyes.

River was suddenly happy that he had his hand holding her hair because she couldn't hold her head up herself.

"River why are you running away from me?" Darius' voice was calm and steady. "I just want to get to know you."

The 'for now' was left of but still evident. River squeezed her eyes shut and wished this was all just a dream.

She was just having a crazy nightmare and she was going to wake up in her scratchy sheets with her mom standing over her. Her mother would be yelling at her to get her ass moving.

"River?" Darius snapped her out of her thoughts with his sharp voice.

"It's-- I just--," Nightmare this was all just a horrible nightmare. River opened her eyes to see the laughter on Darius' face gone and in its place was a total emotionless mask. "I just don't trust men."

"Because of last night?" He asked and River slowly shook her head. "Why River?" She silently begged him not to make her do this and when that didn't work she felt tears prick her eyes. "River." His voice left no wiggle room.

"Don't make me say it Darius." She clutched his jacket in her hands. "Please don't make me."

"River I need to know why before I can just leave you alone." The tears in River's eyes spilled over.

"I'm a rape baby." she said simply. She expected him to gasp but he just slowly ran his palm in slow circles on her back.

"That's not all is it?" He tried to soften his rough voice and it was surprisingly comforting.

"No." River sobbed. Air wasn't leaving her throat right making her sound like she was crying through hiccups and her nose started to run. River just wasn't a pretty crier.

"Shush shush, Riv I've got you. You’re safe with me. I won't tell anyone, this I promise you," He sounded so sincere it nearly undid River, almost making her cry harder. "Please River go on, I gotta know."

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