What You Want, What You Need (Chapter 15)

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(Lexi's P.O.V)

We're finally gonna do it. We're finally gonna do it. Me and Josh are finally gonna tell the guys that we're together. I'm actually really excited to let them know. I've been in love with Josh for the longest time, and now that we're together, I just want the whole world to know. I'm especially excited to let Ashley know. She knew how I felt about Josh and lied to me about having sex with him so I'd feel like shit and back off of him. I can't wait to let her know that her little plan failed.

Josh and I arrived at his studio at about noon. Before we opened the front doors, Josh grabbed my hand.

"Remember; we're gonna show 'em." He said softly, and followed it with a tiny wink and a smile. I smiled back at him before finally opening the front doors.

"Morning guys!" Josh greeted the guys and Ashley.

"Hey J-" Mike paused as soon as he laid eyes on our hands. "Um...what's with the hand holding?"

"Yeah, you two are...friends..." Ashley added. Ha, you wish, bitch.

"Well, if we were friends, I wouldn't be holding his hand, now would I?" I responded in a polite yet catty manner.

Mike's eyes widened. "Wait...do you mean..."

Before I could answer him, I felt Josh's lips on mine. I didn't move a muscle at first because I was still shocked by the surprise attack, but eventually I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him back. I could hear cheering from Mike and Matt, and I almost started laughing when Ian yelled, "FINALLY!" I heard nothing from Ashley, though. Good. I didn't wanna hear anything from that cunt.

"So when did this happen?" Matt asked as soon as Josh and I sat down with everyone else.

"A few days ago." Josh answered.

"And how?"

"Um...okay, you know those movies where a girl and a guy are having a fight and somewhere in that fight, one of them accidentally confesses their love for the other?"


"Yeah, it went something like that."

Ian reached over the table and grabbed his can of Coke. "Oooh, that sounds kind of...intense."

"Yeah, it was." I laughed. Josh smiled at me and gave me a small peck on the lips. Damn it I love this man.

"Oh shit, we better get a move on. We've gotta finish at least 3 tracks today." As soon as those words came out of Josh's mouth, I stiffened. Oh no. This means I'm gonna have to sit in this room...alone...with Ashley.

Actually...you know what? That's a good thing. I can tell her off. I can tell her how much of a bitch she is for doing what she did.

Ian took one last sip of his coke before getting up and throwing it in the trash. "Okie dokie. Wait a minute, where's Katie?" Everyone else just said "I don't know" or just shrugged, except Josh and I, who stared at each other awkwardly. "Josh...Lexi...is there something you two wanna tell us, or...?"

"Yeah yeah, I'll tell you later, but c'mon we've gotta hurry up with this shit." Josh hurried the rest of the guys into the studio, avoiding the question. I think I may have heard a quick sigh of relief.

Okay. Now it's time to deal with this bitch.

"So...you and Josh, huh?" Oh, so you're gonna start the conversation? Great, just makes things easier for me.

I took my phone out and fooled around with my Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr apps, pretty much just trying to avoid eye contact with Ashley.

"Yup. Finally." I giggled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2013 ⏰

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What You Want, What You Need: A Marianas Trench StoryWhere stories live. Discover now