What You Want, What You Need (Chapter 1)

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“Motherfucker! Give it back! I said you could only have a sip!” Josh yelled from the other side of the couch. I held the Coke Zero bottle up to my lips and took a quick sip of the bubbly, calorie-less beverage.

“There, I took a sip.”

“Good. Now give it back” He reached his hands out as if I was about to just hand the bottle over. I love fucking with him and he knows it, so I don’t know why he thinks I’m gonna give it to him.

“But...”  I lowered the bottle down and held it by the mouth. “Just one sip isn’t satisfying. I mean, it is Coke Zero. Maybe I’ll have another one...” I took a sip. “And another one...” Took a sip. “And another...”

“Lexi.” Josh said with a warning tone, but not being serious at all. I could tell from the half smirk on his face. He grip on the arm of the couch became lighter like he was about to walk around to where I was and he began to speak slower. “We’re gonna do this either the easy way or the hard way. Now...are you gonna give me my bottle back?”

There was a long silence between us before I raised the bottle again and took another sip. This time I took a longer one, just to piss him off even more.

“Thats it! Guess we’re doing this the hard way.” Josh began to walk towards my side of the couch, but I giggled and ran around the couch for a bit before running around the rest of the apartment. Josh chased me through the kitchen, the hallway, the balcony and back to the living room, trying to retrieve his favourite drink from my hands. I was about to run back to the kitchen, but I tripped over Tux and fell back first on the couch.

“Damn it, Tux!” I yelled a cat. Wow...

Josh climbed on top of me and took the bottle out of my hands. “Thank you.” He leaned in a little closer and gave me a friendly little peck on the cheek. I mentally sighed. Josh and his ways...

“Whatever!” I playfully pushed him off of me and he started chuckling a bit. “I would’ve gotten away with this too if it weren’t for for your... random cat.”

Josh rolled his eyes and kneeled down to pet his tiny black and white kitty. “She isn’t random.She’s just very, very helpful.”

“Yeah, she’s helpful. Helpful at keeping a douchebag company.” I mumbled it loud enough for him to hear.

He shot back up and placed his hands on my lap. His gorgeous light blue eyes stared into my brown ones while he smiled that amazing breathe taking smile of his. “Is that anyway to talk about your best friend on his birthday?”

I rolled my eyes at my tall, gangly best friend. “Just because it’s your birthday doesn’t mean I’m going to treat you differently.”

“Coming from the girl that offered to take me bowling.”I smiled wide at his gorgeous yet pale face.

I stood up and held onto Josh‘s shoulders. “Well I’ve gotta do at least one nice thing for you today. Besides, I’m gonna love beating your ass tonight.”My warm, friendly smile slowly transformed into one that pretty much screamed “You’re going down”.

“Pssh! Please, I’ve got mad ninja bowling skills.” What Josh likes to believe.

“Sure...you keep on thinking that.” Josh just chuckled a little, which gave me butterflies. His laugh is so adorable. I’ve heard it a million times, but I love it even more the more I hear it.

I heard Josh’s Blackberry Torch vibrate in his pocket (yeah, I felt it. Torch vibrating is intense.) and I backed away from him a bit so he could pull it out of his pocket.He took a quick glance at the screen before shoving back into his pocket. “K, we’re outta here. Matt and the guys are outside.”

What You Want, What You Need: A Marianas Trench StoryWhere stories live. Discover now